Dr. Saraki’s Unique Political Skills Will Be Greatly Missed by All Nigerians – Wada

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The governor of Kogi State, Capt. Idris Ichalla Wada received with shock, the news of the death of elder statesman Dr. Olushola Saraki, whose sad event took place in the early hours of today.

Dr. Saraki’s unique political skills and regular contributions to national discourse will be greatly missed by all Nigerians.He was one of the very few modern generation Nigerians whose wit, patriotism, political savvy and dexterity transcended his era and comparable with those of the founding fathers of Nigeria.

In fact, his death can be likened to the end of an era.

We have lost a rare gem. And the big shoes he is leaving behind will certainly be difficult to fill.

But, we console ourselves in the knowledge that death is an inevitable end of all mortals.

As Allah is the only giver of life, we are convinced that only He can take it whenever He likes.

May our departed hero rest in the bossom of his maker and may Allah grant all Nigerians and especially, the immediate family, the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

But beyond rethorics, this death calls for a somber reflection by all politicians to reassess the way they play politics.

Pa. Saraki left a lesson for us all in the people centeredness of his politics.

He blended quite effortlessly his skills as a medical doctor into his calling as a politician in the service of the people.

May Allah grant him al janah Fridaus.

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