Dr. Abdullahi Ozomata: To Whom God Will He Gives Power

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To whom God will, he gives power. This was contained in Dr. Abdullahi Sanni Ozomata’s opening remarks in the virtual interactive session held on the 27th of February, 2022 in support of his political aspiration by members of the Ozomata4GYB2PYB support group.

Dr. Ozomata in his opening speech had alluded that God is the only one who make things possible. That as humans we can only aspire and propose.

In his words; “if my aspiration to represent the good people of Okene/Ogori-Magongo constituency at the National Assembly will be for good may Allah Almighty decree it. But if it will not be for good, may Allah grant us the best.”

He said if given the opportunity to serve, he is going to harness every resources, both human and material towards the upliftment and development of the constituency. He also said he and his team are looking at leveraging on his goodwill and relationship with international donors to attract interventions and development to the constituency.

He said lately the function of legislation has been abused reduced to a mere relation centre.

In his words, “aside the primary function which is law making, Legislature is about fervently representing the opinions and interest of your constituency.”

He however charged the youth to recognise their potentials and  get actively involved in the politics of the state. That the youths are the vehicles in which this project can travel to its destination.

While responding to questions from the constituents; He insisted that to ultimately succeed at the green chambers, you must first understand the functions of legislature which is, law making as it affects your constituency and the country at large (legislative), deliberate upon matters of national interest (deliberative), ventilation of grievance, constituent functions as well as oversight functions.

And more importantly, representing the interest and opinion of your constituents, which is why you are expected to relate and consult with your constituents at all times  on matters that has to do with their wellbeing.

He said his leadership style is about equitable development and distribution of wealth and resources. And that once equity is made the watchword, issues of marginalisation will not arise. This he said while attending to questions bordering on marginalisation and his approach to legislation.

The amiable doctor also declared that his aspiration is not about personal aggrandisement but his innermost desire to want to help and serve.

In his words, “granted that I am blessed by Almighty Allah, but what about my community, my people who have been impoverished because of lack of proper policies or legislation geared towards their needs” .He said for him public interest supersedes his personal interest or comfort, therefore he will not jettison the public because his personal need has been met. That for him true wealth and fulfilment is about how much of impact you have made in the lives of the people around you.

And that he is ready to make the sacrifice to liberate the people of his constituency.

On the question of his personal bill representing his interest. He responded in clear terms that he has no personal interest. 

In his words, “if and when elected I no longer enjoy the privilege to contemplate my personal interest. I am going into the NASS to represent the interest of the people. And as such whatever personal interest I might be nursing will always be immaterial.”

Dr. Ozomata said he intends to commence every legislative business or project by first taking the need assessment of the people by consulting them and engaging the people via town hall meetings or interactive sessions as this one.

Responding to question of his plans for the women of Okene/Ogori-Magongo Constituency, Dr. Ozomata said this style is about first getting to know the needs of the gender especially given that the  challenges being faced by women of our society is dynamic and ever changing, so we must tailor empowerment in such a way that it will reflect modernity and as well provide lasting solution.

But more importantly, he would empower women in 4 different segments which are education, skill acquisition, capacity development, and as well provision of equal and  more opportunities.

On holding legislators responsible, Dr. responded by saying that youths and constituents should first ensure that politicians don’t buy their way into power. He enjoined all to be very vigilant and politically  conscious of whom they give their mandate. Supporters should get involved and propagate the messages across the streets to win more minds especially the party executives giving that we are in the pre-primary phase of the election.

He, however, made a solemn promise that if and when he becomes a Rep. member he will not disappoint or jettison the masses by evading calls or visitations. And that he will ensure that he represent the interest of the people and not of anybody.

On the political marginalisation of the people of Ogori Magongo. He responded by berating our usual parochial politics of sentiments which he said was peculiar to Africa.

He buttressed by making an analogy  that “if Obama had lived in Kenya he would probably had not have contemplated being the governor of his state let alone being the president of Kenya. But that in the clime where capacity and merit is chosen over parochial sentiments he became a senator and a president.” And that in essence his principle has been about equity and meritocracy. That he will not play sentiments with the handling of the interest of the constituency. That his disposition will always be in the principle of fairness, equity and merits.

Dr. Ozomata, in his closing remark, commended Governor Yahaya Bello (GYB) for his steadfastness and developmental stride in the handling of the affairs of the state.

He however encouraged his supporters to extend their support towards working for the emergence of Yahaya Bello as the President of Nigeria which he said would bring an immeasurable development and exposure to the state and the constituency. He enjoined his followers to be courageous and actively involve in  politics while shunning every form of violence and unrest.

In conclusion, he promised to leverage on his goodwill and resources at his disposal to facilitate for intervention in the educational sector.

He spoke on reorientation of the youths and the good people of the constituency in a bid to take us back to the glory days where youths were interested in cultivating reading habits and skills acquisition. He spoke about the need to suppress restiveness and become more industrious as a people.

“I will be very accountable and transparent and pledge to remain patriotic and committed to the interest and cause of the people.”

The session also witnessed commendations and prayers on the person of Dr. Abdullahi Ozomata with participants registering their commitment to the actualization of his aspiration and the overall success of this project.

– Moon Onimisi writes from Okene.

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