‘Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance.’ – Psalms 42:5
Beware of discouragement!
In 1 Kings 19 Jezebel issued a threat against Elijah’s life and Elijah heard it and was discouraged. The great prophet Elijah was discouraged and wanted to give up.
Even great men can become discouraged. His discouragement led to tiredness and he lay down to sleep desiring to die. This is the state we are as a people.
Our youths is discouraged.
Our women is discouraged
Our men is discouraged
Everybody is discourage and the want to give up on Ebiraland. No No I don’t think given up will solve our problem.
But the reverse is also true.
Tiredness makes you vulnerable to discouragement and discouragement will pave way for harassment and oppression. This is where we are today in Ebiraland.
“The poor tend to face the all the odd in Ebiralnd but don’t worry the rich also cry.
Somehow the rich cannot sleep well today because the poor is coming for what they have and the poor cannot sleep because the have no food to eat”.
Satan will always make sure you hear what Jezebel is saying, he will make sure you hear what the naysayers are forecasting and what the backbiters are discussing because he wants to introduce discouragement into your life.
So many time I found myself at the verge of discouragement and the Word of God came to strengthen me.
Discouragement is the loss of confidence or enthusiasm.
Discouragement is the remove of courage.
Discouragement is the loss of voice.
Discouragement is the fear to act.
Remember that strength and courage are closely tied together and essential for forward movement and for battle.
So when discouragement comes in to remove your courage, it at the same time takes away your strength because with courage goes strength.
This is what happened to Elijah. Discouragement gripped his soul and stole his strength.
Discouragement gripped our people and stole his our strength politically and economically.
Discouragement gripped our youths and stole our voice.
Discouragement gripped out people and stole out love and unity.
Discouragement gripped our people and stole our peace.
Discouragement is an exaggerator and a liar.
It will always make it seem worse than it really is.
It will make a molehill a mountain.
It will convince you that you are alone.
It will make you hate yourselves.
It will make you to get use to your status quo.
It will make you to say “God dey sha”.
Elijah cried that only he remained and God had to tell him that there were still seven thousand still devoted.
Ladies and gentlemen, my great citizen of Kogi State Central (Ebira). I want to announce to you today out of the seven thousand of Elijah God have few are coming out to stand up to this madness is the land.
The are radical opposition to corruption, a breed without greed, men and women who choose to win by righteousness.
We Are Committed To Our God Given Home. Until Ebira is fix we are not given up.
Ebraland Will Work.
Ebiraland Wll Be Save.
Ebiraland Will Be Safe.
Ebiraland Will Be Change.
Ebiraland will be great in our life time In Jesus Amen.
So do not be discouraged!
Get up, hope in God and let go there.
Like David speak to your soul and ask ‘why are you cast down? Why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God.’ Learn to encourage yourself.
Today put your hope back in the providence of God and let every dark cloud of discouragement be dismissed. Do not be discouraged. Amen.
If you have given up before and you suddenly read this message and your courage back for selfless service in Ebiraland join our group on facebook. SAVE EBIRA GROUP.
– By Ogo’ogu M.D
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