Diocese of OgoriMagongo Celebrates Ten Years of Existence

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The Diocese of OgoriMagongo Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion celebrated its ten years of existence between 13th-20th January in a grand style.

The activities started with the dedication of two churches and parish awards – Church of Resurrection Oshobane Ogori and All Saints, Magongo respectively.

Other activities included volley ball novelty match and a two-day revival service within the week.

The events which had various venues and different topics, such as; ‘In God We Trust’, ‘Woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel’, ‘the praying church’, ‘whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord’ (Romans 14:7-8) and ‘Christ kingdom, Christ church’ were handled by men of God drawn from other dioceses across Nigeria.

They include; Rt. Rev. Dr. Ikupolati E. F., Venerable M. K. Ibitoye, Rt. Rev. Dr. E. I. Onsachi, Bishop of Okene Diocese; Rt. Rev. Dr. Paul Ojo Olanrewaju, Bishop of Ijumu Diocese and Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Akobe, Bishop of Kabba Diocese.

Highlights of the programme was the commemoration of departed souls/pillars of faith awards. Those who got the post humous awards include Rt. Rev. and Mrs. H. Y. Haruna, Venerable I. A. Olumokaiye, Venerable Jas Adeojo, Venerable and Mrs. F. O. B. Obayan, Ven. T O B Obayemi Rev. Canon P A. Akande amongst others.

Others are Lay Reader A. I. Obaja, Evangelist (Dr.) Mrs. Akinbomi, Rev. T. J. R. Agbaja and Canon R. Alao.

Asst. Compt. Mrs Oluremi Osheidu Ahmadu and Venerable P. O Oshapegun were also honoured during the occasion.

The grand finale which was tagged ‘service of gratitude’ witnessed awards of father of the mission to His Grace, the Most Revd N. D. Okoh and Most Revd. Dr. E. S. Egbunu.

In his sermon, Most Revd. Dr. Egbunu preached on ‘Refocusing on God’ and urged Christians not to adopt the posture of actors and spectators in their worship of God. He described the day; third Sunday of the year, as a day dedicated to Christians to discover their talents.

He called on individuals to contribute their quotas to the advancement of the gospel noting that everybody has a role to play in  advancing the growth of the church.

While quoting from the scriptures, he established the fact that God reigns and urged his listeners to focus more on God, particularly at this time in Nigeria.

The man of God called on Christians to pray for the country, admonishing them not to be aloof at happenings around them.

The thanksgiving service was rounded up with the cutting of the anniversary cake.

Earlier, in his opening remarks, the Bishop of the Diocese of OgoriMagongo, Rt. Rev. Festus Oduntan Oladiran Davis thanked the priests, the parishoners and the good people of the Diocese for their support these past ten years.

He reiterated his mission and commitment to” nurture men, women, youths and teens alike in the word of God and in the things of God. He pledged to be passionate about church growth , evangelism” amongst others.

While reminding the people of the Diocese of their slogan, which is; ‘follow me and I will make you fishers of men’, he urged them to continue to make Christ their cornerstone.

– Emmanuel Boro (JP)
Diocesan Communicator

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