Criticism of Victor Adoji’s Adoption by Kogi East Elder a Myopic Injunction

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I have said this repeatedly, that the major integrant of Kogi East political menace are the educated elites. They use English to bamboozle people’s mind especially when the subject matter doesn’t seem to favor them or their paymasters. And until issues of national cores are twisted to suit their aspiration, they won’t relent.

At best, they group as progressive minds but their interest is restricted within the stretch of an arm. They have no agenda that recognize and advocate due processes in democracy. Rather, they seek to constricts the deepening process through concocted and brandished propaganda.

I woke up this morning, and decided to browse the internet for latest news, only to find out that the most mud-slinging article had been published in

Ordinarily, I would have skipped due to it’s  flatulence. But for the smoothest lies embedded in the heading- ‘Purported Adoption of Adoji A Predetermined Hatchet Job To Manipulate Kogi East Elders’. Wait a minute, could it be that the writer has in the figment of his imagination or just the usual bidding to fulfill all righteousness? What is Dr. Usman Ogbo asking for that the elders have not provided? Or are you simply aggrieved because the outcome of the interaction did not favor your candidate?

Let me ask further, could it be that you are pained because the elders council in question refused to subject themselves to the totalitarianism of those you represent? Oh yes! I guess your headache in the entire process is that, the elders decided to hold the meeting in Abuja to avoid been distracted and at worst, killed by those messenger of vices otherwise known as thugs. Of course, you and I know that ‘democracy and it’s principles were murdered the moment some tyrannic power blocs resonated to the podium of governance. So how possible could it be for such historic events to have taken place in Kogi state amidst political hostilities occasioned by a high level desperation of these cabal?

To further proven the writer’s hatred for justice, equity and transparency, he pretended in the article that the Elders have not done the needful. Therefore a categorical statement is needed to back their judgement. This is a grand hypocrisy and a travesty of democracy.

For heaven’s sake, our elders have been fair enough in this exercise. All contestants were duly contacted. And those who honored the invitations were mentioned. The names of the committee members (which include two professors) that conducted the exercise were listed along side their signatures. The procedures that formed the basis of the interaction was listed. Contestants individual rating was published, followed by their position. And most importantly, a statement duly signed by the Chairman of the committee, Chief J S Odawn and the secretary, Prof. S O Ejima was issued to that effect. So, I wonder what Dr Ogbo is still asking for.

An excerpt from the fictitious article reads: ‘We are using this medium to call on the Kogi East Elders’ Council to issue categorical statement on the purported endorsement report before it further compounds the already polity in Kogi East’. Ironically, this write up is not only biased, its a semblance of lies sponsored from the pit of hell to distract and absorb in the mind the negative impact of governance which they represent. But, the good news is Kogi Easterners have stepped up beyond this myopic insinuation. They now know who is for them and who is against them. In 2019, they shall speak with one voice. Therefore, since its a proven fact that Dr Victor Alewo Adoji was not the only contestant present at the venue, no amount of lies can distract our elders from championing the course of their children.

I am not also unaware that, the writer mentioned the slated date; 7 – 8 December. But he tactically attested to his write up as been sentimental by cunningly boycotting the details attached to it.

Part of the reports delivered to the committee by the sub-committee and anchored the interaction reads; Letters of invitation were sent to the candidates identified through their campaign offices/officials and e-mails. This was followed by phone calls and text messages. Candidates were also requested to indicate any of the two dates (7 & 8 December) that was convenient for them.

Fellow Kogi Easterners, while other contestants, actually responded, Aidoko purportedly sent his P.A to check the calibre of people hosting the event, as that will form the basis with which he will honor the invitation.

Echocho on his part never responded. All text messages and calls put across to him were left unattended to. Significantly, the two gladiators; Aidoko and Echocho are not taking into cognizance the ideology of rooting their aspiration with the masses. Why? Because, its a known fact that Aidoko is a staunch loyalist of these power blocs. And as far as 2019 is concerned, the only alternative to ensure the expansion of their wealth is to vouch for him.

Echocho on the other hand is riding on the horse of incumbency, and he is so relaxed with it that the needed assessment has to wait. All hail the king, at least an APC stalwart and member of the Elders council has endorsed him. So its now the case of a lone ranger versus the masses. But, in the end we shall see whose idea prevails.

Fellow Kogi Easterners, let me unequivocally state that Dr. Ogbo and his write up cannot be taken serious, and I will prove that very quick; First, the members of the so call group he currently chairs are in the payroll of the state government. Dr. Ogbo himself is known to be a character assassin and a betrayer to the core. Comrade Austin Okai and ASUU, Kogi state chapter can testify to this effect. Having said this, its apposite that Ogbo is simply doing his best to keep his newly-found source of income.

But, its appalling that a learned gentleman of Ogbo’s status has lost his sense of morality and social value to crumbs. I wonder what became of the authorities under his watch at Kogi state university as a former don.

Nevertheless, 2019 general elections will be historic. The masses are ready and they will speak volume. There is be no place for political malpractice this time.

Moreover, DVAA movement is an idea whose time has come, to liberate Igala/Bassa from the shackles of poverty, undo politicking and unite Igala/Bassa in common fronts.

Let me also remind Ogbo that Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji is a household name in the realm of humanitarianism. He is a role model and the people have seen him as their mouth-piece. Therefore, no amount of propaganda and cheap lies can deter this movement.

– John Paul
Operation Win Back Kogi State

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