Courtville’s AutoRegTM Debutes in Kogi State

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Courteville Business Solutions Plc has announced the adoption of its process improvement AutoRegTM service by the Kogi State Government to handle its entire Motor Vehicle Administration Documentation (MVAD) from August 1st, 2013. Courteville’s AutoRegTM is a web-based business solution for motor vehicle registration and documentation currently deployed through its over 3500 processing points in about 18 states across Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

The AutoRegTM franchise is a flagship service rendered by Courteville Business Solutions Plc in partnership with licensing offices, bank branches and registered independent processing outlets to provide first-class motor vehicle administration documentation system solutions nationwide.

The company said in a statement yesterday that it will continue to do its best to reach more states in Nigeria to ensure effective vehicle documentation in the country.

Courteville said it renders the same services in the Republic of Sierra Leone for all online real time registration of motor vehicle administration documentation.

“While we are at various levels of discussions with several other States in Nigeria to join the platform, it is gradually developing for the first time in Nigeria, a national databank of motor vehicle documentation comparable with any other country in Africa. Courteville is in the forefront of e-registration in Nigeria as it also works with the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) for e-registration of all food, drugs and other items requiring the agency’s approval, Courteville said”.

The company added that it recently deployed the Nigerian Insurance Industry Database (NIID) solution, which was an initiative of the Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) to create a central insurance database wherein details of all vehicle insurance policies issued by insurance companies were updated.

This, it added, was to create an authentic and verifiable database of motor vehicle insurance in Nigeria.


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