Coronation: Groups Congratulate Odovidi of Okengwe

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It gives us pleasure to write this heartily congratulatory message to His Royal Majesty Usman Yakubu on his installation and coronation as the Odovidi of Okengwe.

It is indeed an honour to have the privilege of writing about a royalty. HRH Usman Yakubu is a courageous and dogged fighter, very unassuming, highly principled and emotionally stable in all aspects, especially in terms of security and development of our people.

We were happy that a man of your calibre is coming to the throne at a time like this in the history of Okengwe people. And going by your discussion with us when we visited you at your residence, we are confident that you have a clear understanding of the task ahead just as you have the required wisdom and skill to carry out the reforms we need in Ogu clan, Okengwe/Okene, and Ebira nation.

We are so happy for the presence of the great Ozumi of Okene in Ogu clan as a sign of unity and peace in the Clan. Other traditional rulers in Ogu Clan and the traditional rulers of other clans across Ebira land are well recognized by our group.

We equally salute the engine room for peace, an eloquent, soft spoken and God-fearing man, the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to the Governor on Security Matters in charge of Okene Local Government, Engr. Abdulrazaq Muhammad, aka Ya Muhammad, who always see the peace of Okene first in all his doing. This is the beginning of a glittering political career.

We described Ya – Muhammad as one of the most popular local government helmsman in Ebiraland in particular and Kogi State in general. He is a man who believes in justice, fairness, and equity.

Okengwe Ehi, let us join thousands of your admirers to say that your reign will usher in more peace, prosperity and joy to the land of your forefathers and may your shadow not grow less, Amen.

While we once again congratulate you on your coronation, we urge you to go about the task of uniting our people immediately. We appreciate your readiness to ensure the development of Eziogu Clan. Please, leave no stone unturned to achieve this. Eziogu Obanyi Ebira land and Eziogu Solidarity Minds pledge our support at every point in time to your reign as we urge you to call on us anytime; we will be glad to work for you.

The entire leadership of Eziogu Obanyi Ebira land and Eziogu Solidarity Minds wish you a successful reign and pray that the Almighty Allah, the one who knows it all will continue to direct your steps. Please remain close to Him as always. May you live long on throne! Ameen.

– Comrade Yakubu Nazir Abdulhakeem
For: Eziogu Obanyi Ebira land and Eziogu Solidarity Minds

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