Bursary: Kogi Students in Law School Beg for Govt’s Intervention

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Students of Kogi State origin in different campuses of the Nigerian Law School have appealed to the state government to make their bursary award a priority.

The student made the appeal when representatives from Yola, Yenogua and Abuja campuses of the Nigerian Law School paid Governor Yahaya Bello a visit in Lokoja to intimate him on their plight.

At the meeting with Governor Bello, who was represented by his chief of staff, Pharm Abdulkareem Jamiu Asuku, the students stated that the huge sum of money being paid as school fees in the Nigerian Law School is biting hard on them.

Led by Aishat Abubakar and Abubakar Sediq Ojimawe, the students presented a comprehensive and official list of 196 students of Kogi origin from the Law school authority to the governor.

The chief of staff promised to deliver their message to the governor. He assured them of positive action from the governor given his antecedents as a student-friendly leader.

Asuku counseled the students to face their studies and make Kogi state proud by being good ambassadors of the state and the government.

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