Bello’s Fiasco; A Farcical Resultant If Things Continue This Way

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When Bello was appointed as the new governor of the state, one would have anticipated a gargantuan transformation on its developmental gait. The worse was never to be expected. They say alcohol intoxicates but power intoxicates more. In an era where the youth are clamoring for the opportunity to participate in governance; fortuitously, Bello came in. It’s rather too orthodox to say that the youth aren’t capable of delivering better governance. But his slapdash way of governance could be the beginning of his ultimate failure. It would be only be benign to say that this government is suffering from convoluted maladministration. Its problem is far worse. The shocking conundrum is that the problem can’t be explicitly micro scoped. From the incessant strikes to inchoate screening exercises, rise in kidnapping rate to civil unrest, partly paid salary roll  to the never–ending protests. There seems to be no end to this malady.

But what went wrong? Kogi state seems to be one of the worst states in terms of the issue of backlog salary payment. Instinctively, one can logically infer that the bailout fund sent by the federal govt to ease the plight of the suffering workers hasn’t been used. It’s there, somewhere yielding unhealthy interest to the coffer of our so-called leaders. One could remember that the bailout fund was sent to the state in between February to march and it would take a year for it to yield the 10-12% interest the bank give for such kind of investment. The sudden and intimate collaboration between the government and banks also tend to buttress this claim. Further investigation would reveal more information to prove the fact. This maladroit on the path of Bello is rather unjust and iniquitous. Many civil servants have been classified as ghost workers, many pensioners have been sent to their early grave and many more have been made ghost in practicality. It would be unfair to say that the idea of carrying out the screening exercise isn’t a welcomed one but the extremity, gawky and awkward way with which it was carried out was overbearing, insensitive and unskillful. No thanks to scourge of corruption. It shouldn’t constitute complications and suffering. Maybe it was all part of the delay tactics and mind games to keep the workers mind at rest for a particular period. Accumulating and using the state’s monthly allocations to pay up some workers anytime it deems fit.

People work with each other when it suits them, help each other when it suits them, like each other when it suits them, betray each other when it suits them, desert each other when it suits them and destroy each other when it suits them. Bello should put in mind that his new found cohort would certainly leave him to his fate when the consequence arises. Most ebira’s are not supportive of his actions and way of governance and he knows it.

But what was the cause? Was it greediness, mismanagement, ill-advices or all of them? Only God knows. One thing is for sure, justice would surely prevail; come early, come late; one way or another and the ghosts would have their revenge.

By Abdullahi Abdulkadir

Can be reach via email:
Twitter handle: kdon0000

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