Austin Okai: Celebrating a Star in the Crowded Galaxy of Youth Activism

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As far back as 2013, our paths crossed. We were in the trenches of youth activism and campaigns for good governance. Towering in excellence and idealism was the now award winning Austin Okai.

I had been said that struggles could get you to the top but character sustains you. This man of exemplary character is known for sublime probity, humility and continuous consultations.

This is why he has been seen as a gem in many spheres.

To the Nigerian youths, he is worth following. To the old politicians, he is a frightening pillar of accountability to be avoided by only the corrupt. To the good governance advocates, he represents the face of an emerging crystallization of the affairs of government and enshrinement of fiscal responsibility. Yet, to our great party, the People’s Democratic Party, he represents the bastion of the digital generation. No wonder under the leadership of His Excellency, Godwin Obaseki, the executive governor of Edo State, he is to, among other things, use the e-registration platform to rein in youths and young adults, galvanizing them for good governance under the umbrella.

It is truly endless when you try to recount what this man has achieved in so short a time.

I want to give glory to God on your behalf. Continue to shine bright in doing good for humanity and especially the youths of Nigeria.
Happy celebrations. Happy birthday.

– Alex Agbo writes from Lagos.

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