Audu’s Thugs Destroyed Our Billboards – Wada

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The Chairman, Media Committee of Idris Wada Campaign Organisation, Faruk Adejoh-Audu has alleged that some thugs working for the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) destroyed its campaign billboards.

Faruk claimed, in a statement, that the publicity materials of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have been defaced in the last 48 hours.

The statement said ACN sent men to destroy the billboards because it claimed its signs were earlier destroyed by PDP agents.

The statement reads: “We hear that Audu said his billboards were destroyed first, that is why he is destroying our own. We didn’t order anybody to destroy any billboard. We don’t know Audu’s intention but we don’t think he is interested in contesting election.

“They are not denying it. What they said is that PDP destroyed their billboards first. But it is not true, because we have our people under control. ACN has admitted that they gave the order that PDP billboards should be brought down.

“Where was the billboard of Audu that was destroyed? How many billboards did he mount in this town? He wants to provoke an all-out violence, which we are not interested in.”

In his reaction to these allegations, the media aide to Audu, Sanni Onogu, debunked such claims.

“I want to say that even Adejoh-Audu knows that everything concocted in his advertorial on Tuesday, accusing the ACN of violence, is a tissue of lies which can only emanate from a sick and deluded mind”, he said.

“Every Nigerian can attest to the fact that ACN is not a violent party like the PDP. As such, all their accusations have failed to hold water.”

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