Apostle Isaiah Dansofo at 40: Celebrating a Product of Revelations

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Apostle Isaiah was born to the family of late Mr Dansofo and late Evang. Elizabeth Dansofo of Acharu Egume in Dekina local government Kogi state on the 6th of April 1980. Apostle Isaiah Dansofo is a seasoned preacher and an avid teacher of word of God with injunction for Apostolic in calling and prophetic in message.


Bringing men unto God’s salvation through the preaching and teaching of the word of God with signs and wonders following.


It was specifically in September, 2004 that the word of the Lord came to me in the revelation at the eventide, saying “my son, I have made you a prophet unto my people, go and serve me. As I led Joshua so shall I lead you for my hand is upon you and I have anointed you”. That strengthen me the more after I had battled with my parents for several years that I want to become a Catholic priest.

Secondly, in early hours of 9th March, 2006, the Lord opened my eyes in a revelation and I beheld a mighty rushing wind! There and then heaven was opened and an angry and annoying face was revealed to me. There and then I knew I was found wanting and I cried, “Lord have mercy on me”. As though my prayers were answered and afterward I saw many inscriptions in the sky but the one stood was “SERVICES IN APOSTOLIC” writing boldly in red. Suddenly, I saw a mighty building, well designed with a beautiful style and I said in my spirit wow! What a might edifice? This must be the house of God. The building I saw was so high, long, width and extended into the heavens so that l could not even see the end.

Initially, the revelation eluded my memory but hey, I knew it worth noting as it impressed on my heart consistently by the day but after much trouble in my spirit, I went back to God in prayers and fasting with a much elderly Christian brother (pastor) and he agreed with me in prayers and fasting and the message was rewritten for me in a much clearer form in the moon and I had my peace. In our subsequent meeting he revealed what he saw in the revelation concerning me that it was in scripted to him in the stars confirmed my revelation.

On another occasion, on the 7th May, 2017, I had another revelation and I saw stars moving at the speed of light and they was lightening flashing terrifically in the sky. Afterwards there was an invasion of celestial beings ‘Angels’ moving randomly, suddenly I voiced “Jesus is coming” and within a split of second they was an inscription in the sky that says “JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD” boldly written in capital form. While in the same revelation, I saw that the sun and the moon were circle and it’s as if there was an eclipse and over time the moon stepped outside the circle and later stepped in and the sun stepped out of the circle as did the moon. As for me Isaiah Dansofo, my cogitations much troubled me and my countenance changed in me but I kept the matter in my heart.

Ministerial Service:

By the grace of God, I have been serving the Lord as a missionary and pastor since 2004 and God has been helping me and will continue to do so to the end. God has help me to pioneer a ministry called ‘Covenant Glory Bearers Christian Centre’, also known as Grace Arena International, based in Gwagwalada, Abuja.

By the grace of God, tthe good Lord has blessed us with souls and have taken us to many states and places in this country with signs and wonders accompanying His word through us.

I appreciate God for his care over me for the past four decades. As I celebrate my Ruby Jubilee, I pray peace upon Nigeria my country and the world at large. And I believe that by the time I am will be celebrating the next jubilee, God in his infinite mercy will take me to many nations of the world with the gospel of the resurrected Jesus Christ.

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