Ankpa Agog As The People’s Leader, Returns From Holy Land

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By Comrade Nasir.
There was a easy storm at the ancient city of Ankpa all through Saturday as the the people’s leader, Hon Alh Alfa Momoh Rabiu arrives from the holy land of mecca amidst wild jubilation from his family members, friends, political associates, supporters and well wishes trooping in numbers.
The historic arrival which was greeted by a heavy reception began at the popular inter Lona junction where supporters where already stationed in anticipation of their own. What seem to be more symbolic about the cheers was the fact that the crowd were mostly youths and women of the masses class, a constitution that truly reflect the distinguished honorable’s grassroot strength and acceptability.
Highlight of the day was the paying of homage to his father and political leader, Alh Isiaka Alfa, the Omachi Ata’gala (Waali). During the homage came another round of fatherly blessings on the already blessed honorable and the series of testimonies that herald the audience speaks volume of the level of impact the young honorable has been making in the life of his constituents and those who come his way.
In her own testimony, one Hajia Salamatu Musa said “last year, I prepared for Umrah but upon relating it to honorable, he said it must be hajj and he completed the money for me”. Also speaking, Mallam Ibrahim Junaidu noted that Hon Rabiu has left an indelible mark in his heart by the virtue of his wherewithal and hands of magnanimity even when he was away in the Holy land.
Other testimonies were in one consensus, and it is either extolling Hon Rabiu’s good works cum humane disposition or establishing the fact that despite been away in the Holy land, he had his way of taking care of the peoples welfare.
By and large, trees they say are known by its fruit and the good works of Hon Rabiu has indeed and greatly poised him for not just greater accomplishments but as a green seed in the hearts of his teeming supporters. A holy return it is indeed, marhaban Hon Alh Alfa Momoh Rabiu.

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