An Open Letter To The People Of Kogi State

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Our State is noted for it’s prominent historical and physical landmarks in art, science and culture . Nobody can match our warriors and forefathers army.
Meanwhile, if someone has to critically and objectively examine the activities of administration of Kogi State since 28th of August 1991 till the present regime that culminate to twenty six years of democratic governance in the State, two important pressing issues would be noticed. These two issues are; the issue of good governance and problems in picking eligible candidates to contest for State elections within political parties during their primaries. That the truth is bitter is not a new cliché. Our elected leaders in government since the last one decade have not been completely rendering their full responsibilities to the people who voted them into power. The State is confronted with moral decay and economic paralysis thus making fundamental changes to become imperative. The people are fed up with lies and unfulfilled promises. These leaders do not exemplify the wish of our founding fathers.
Our founding fathers want a State where its citizens are more valuable, more worthy of life and more certain of their future; they want our children to have best qualitative and functional education; their wish was not for us to live in darkness; they do not want us to live without water; they want the great majority to have access to basic health care and family planning services; they were very sensitive to our plight and they also believe that human beings have the ability to create ways to live better and even change the environment to suit their needs and wants.
Furthermore they do not want the masses to grow thinner and thinner like broom sticks or like children suffering from kwashiorkor; they do not want leaders who cannot make great sacrifices but prefer to live in opulence and wealth when those who voted them into power are in delusion; they do not want us to live without necessary social infrastructures.
What we now expect our present leaders to do is to cultivate the ability, integrity and understanding of the urgency to solve the social problems of the State. Leaders that will base their greatness on the services they render for good of the citizens than the property accumulated within shortest time. Experiences have shown according to Joseph Folmania that “poor leadership in good times can be hidden, but poor leadership in bad times is a recipe for disaster”.
On the issues of good governance and accountability in the State, I have no political affiliation nor writing to criticise or vindicate anybody, but to inform our rulers, elders and those who have had opportunity to be in government of Kogi State before and now should know that the State deserve MORE than what it is getting since eleven years ago.
A good leader does not need up to three hundred and sixty-five days before starting to perform. The State has been developing at a very slow rate compared to other neighbouring states, considering the fact that we are so blessed with some of the best human and materials resources in the country. As I speak, Kogi State is now regarded as one the least developed in the country.
Less developed society always remain poor. The main advantages of good governance which are free, qualitative and functional education, good health services in all the cities,food security, employment opportunities, regular supply of drinking tap-water, good roads network linking all cities with a reliable and effective bus-transit management, adequate security to protect the lives and property of its citizenry, undisrupted electricity supply, low-cost housing estates and housing loans for low-income earners, social security packages for handicapped or person’s with disabilities, street and traffic lights, public libraries, public tap-water, public toilets, public phone boots, information centres, and other social infrastructures are nothing to write home about in the State. All inherited infrastructures are in shambles.
Naturally, people will not fail to pay their taxes when they enjoy these facilities. If all these facilities are not in place due to neglect, greediness and incompetency, generations now and those yet unborn would definitely suffer.
What we are now witnessing in Kogi state is “government of some people by some people and for some people”.
Education in the state is not competitive, qualitative and functional for the past one decade talk less of being in line with the provisions of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and tenets of Education For All (CFA). The Kogi educational system is weak and chaotic. Most of our graduates from tertiary institutions are “half-backed” due to the nonchalant attitude of the government to provide formidable educational system that can facilitate national transformation and global competitiveness. There have been persistent poor performances of the State students in WAEC, NECO and JAMB examinations every year because the government has not given education the attention it deserves.
What is the essence of relieving parents to pay for their children WAEC exams fees, if the end results will not be justified? These parents are to pay more than double for their wards to re-take these same exams even without the probability of success as they are out of school.
The solutions are very simple; Since teaching is a commitment to making difference in children’s lives in becoming leaders of tomorrow, all teachers salaries and outstanding welfare packages agreed on should be accepted and paid promptly on the first day of the new month and not almost two months after.
Motivated employees are more committed, more productive and more quality oriented to their jobs. The students stand to suffer for the teachers strike action in the long run. The State Ministry of Education should make it compulsory for all public and private schools in the State to operate well-equipped libraries and must make an “order” to ban pupils roaming on the streets during the school hours.
Functional and qualitative education is the only solution to poverty. The more educated people are, the less they are prone to illness and squalor.
Finally, let us hold the optimistic ideals and pessimism will be driven out. Let us imbibe the spirit of love and unity. “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand” so says the Holy Bible. And the Holy Quran 3:200 says;” vie in such perseverance, strengthen each other, and pious, that you may prosper”. We must all unite and work to raise hope, sustain hope and keep hope alive of all the people of Kogi State. Let our elders bare their minds on a round table discussion with courtesy and friendliness. Working together, we can do more. They should forget festering grievances of the past, admit those mistakes of the past, and move on healing old wounds which is essential for future success.
Finally , as I move to re-unite my pen it’s cover. There is an adage which says, “The king whose reign is characterised by peace, history will record it. Also the king whose tenure is fraught with chaos (poverty), history will not fail to record it”.
– Alfa Tijani, a social crusader, writes from Kogi State.

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