An Open Letter to Barr. Natasha Akpoti

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Towards the tail end of last year, the entire Kogi state was woken to your large insist and cry on the need to revamp the Ajaokuta steel company and in the course of all of this we met a woman with an uncompromising strength, critical concern, courage and true sympathy for a fellow human being.

This did not only made you gain a lot of respect and admiration from several Kogites, but it equally instill in some of us that sense of hope and the large need to continue the struggle and agitation for good governance in Kogi state.

But in the last few days we have been again woken by your new relationship with the Yahaya Bello led government, the same government you accused of “theft”, “power drunkeness”, “Man hunting”, “corruption”, “in industrious”, “shortsightedness”, “deceit” and “totally unrepentant”.

The same government that a couple of memos bearing your name were sent out as regard it’s plot to sell the Ajaokuta steel company and even threatening your life for raising an alarm to this effect.

Suddenly, that same government has changed and become worthy enough to attract your friendship and unalloyed support.

This has made some of us worried and even begin to critically wonder how cheap your support could be and also ask why you fought them in the first place when you knew you were going to eventually join them.

Or probably, it might be a well calculated strategy to attract the attention of the Yayaha Bello led government, or gain cheap popularity.

Be that as it has already become, you have the right to associate and become friend with who ever you deem it fit and no body has any right to question such decision.

But let me remind you that until your new friendship with the Yahaya Bello led government leads to a regular and complete payment of the Kogi state workers salary, then your new friendship are indeed for selfish reasons.

Until it leads to the provision of common basic amenities like drinkable water, electricity, health care centres and many more across the state, then your recent relationship are solely for personal gains and not in the interest of the state or the commoners who you once said you are sympathetically attached to.

Until this recent relationship inculcate in the Yahaya Bello led government the need to become friend and work with every other critic of his government and not just you alone, then your recent romance with the Yahaya Bello led government is still not justified.

And most of all, until your recent relationship with the Yahaya Bello led government leads to the revamping or at least taking of vital steps towards the revamping of the Ajaokuta steel company,then this recent relationship is very questionable,completely suspicious and an indirect betrayer of the Kogi masses who you always claim you represent their interest.

The same people who you clearly stated that your stand is solely to call the attention of the world to their plight.

I will end by saying I have not stop admiring your person,but I pray this recent friendship turns out for the good of Kogi state and not end up tarnishing your image and the great reputation you have built for your self.

But if the later happens, then like our people said “Motor ibira kpé ibira, Ajò Ma tho Okene…”

I wish you well.

– Jacob Unekwu Agada
Osogbo, Nigeria.

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