An Objective Review of Smart Adeyemi’s 8years in Senate 2007-2015

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In the past few weeks, various media platforms have been awash with the various programs of Sen. Smart Adeyemi while he held forth in the Senate representing Kogi West Senatorial District.

This is obviously a bold attempt to respond and counter the opinion of lots of people who for several reasons insist that his tenure was failure in 3D.

I disagree totally with the school of thought who see nothing good in the era (2007-2015). I know for a fact that individuals and communities did benefit from SSA as he is addressed but if what he was able to do justifies the kind of resources available to him for the 8 years in focus is another ball game entirely.

A look into some of his projects and programs should guide for sincere and objective assessment of a tenure that has elicited so much interests especially now that Sen. Adeyemi has secured his party’s ticket to contest again in 2019 notwithstanding the devious manner his co-contestants alleged, believed and maintained he got the ticket.

On schools, the ones he facilitated are still there for all to see. His marks on this is way above average.

On interventions in health related issue, his efforts are also laudable.

He bought a lot of vehicles for individuals including traditional rulers. This is also commendable but issues have been raised about the roadworthiness of those vehicles. This explains why none of the ambulances he brought is no longer functioning as most became unserviceable few weeks after commissioning. It was even alleged that the ambulances were bound for scrap yards before they were packaged and shipped to Nigeria.

The same applied to the hundreds of yellow taxi cabs he procured and shared on hire-purchase to some of his constituents. The blame of failure to sustain this scheme has been placed on the doorsteps of the beneficiaries but nothing could be more erroneous and misleading. The truth is that most of the vehicles have seen better days and could not withstand the rigors despite the bright yellow painting splashed on the cabs.

The Scholarship scheme when it was announced showed it was a ploy to score political points and settle the National Association of Okun Students (NAOS) at that time. How then will some people wail and expect the recipients of the largese to join them.

On projects he used his influence to get, the situation on ground is a huge indictment of his tenure. Mopa and Iyara township roads, Iyara-Odokoro Road are few in a list of projects he failed in. The Federal Medical Center Annex, Iyara is another example of abandoned project courtesy of Sen. Adeyemi.

The famous 150 lockup stores facilitated by Sen. Smart Adeyemi is a sordid tale of irony because any market that receives such facelift ought to have increased patronage and enhanced economic activities but the reverse appears to be the case. People I spoke with observed eerily that a neighborhood Community, Ikoyi with just 8 open stalls and numerous thatched roof makeshift stands attracts more patronage than the rehabilitated Iyara market. It appears Sen. Smart Adeyemi has the Sadim touch.

In terms of appointments, only detractors will score SSA zero although quality and quantity is abysmal.

On Federal University in Kabba, so much have been said about how his dogged arrogance truncated the hopes of Okun people then but I subscribe to focusing on the future while using the past as a guide for today’s decisions with special attention on actions with the likelihood to affect collective good in the future.

Of importance is the inspiration for the present aspiration to return to the senate by SSA. Is it premised on a genuine desire to fill a lacuna, if there is any or just a desperate effort to enhance a political career in doldrums and an economic life in shambles?

The answer to this poignant enquiry can be found in a peep into the life of Sen. Smart Adeyemi as a professional and businessman.

It is imperative to point out that SSA is the first and only Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) National President to serve as Nigerian Union of Journalists. The efforts and vessels that were instrumental to this achievement is a tale for another time. Is it not curious that despite all the flaunting, SSA cannot point out to any other accomplishment that is related to his profession? One will reasonably expect a media outfit that is either electronic or print in his name but he chose property with special preference for hotels. A vocation and passion, he has not made any headway in.

As an entrepreneur, SSA has shown a total deficiency in business acumen as revealed in the plethora of his failed ventures. If he is economically and financially high and dry a few months after he lost in his bid to return to the senate, it is only an indication SSA lacks the wherewithal to successful annex human and financial resources for a profitable business venture. The question now is that, is it smart to support his quest to return to the senate considering his apparent ineptitude?

Rehabilitating the moribund political and economic life of an individual is no justification to sacrifice the wellbeing of people across seven local government areas.

A tale of inconclusiveness is apparent in most activities of SSA as a politician and business person due largely to poor sense of judgment and value.

What appreciable difference can any reasonable person expect from an ambition premised on the selfish whim of an individual devoid of any consideration for the people.

I have read people count experience as one of the reasons SSA should be given another chance but can there be sympathy for dexterity in failure?

Sen. Adeyemi has been tried and tested for eight years with disappointing results; there is no argument that he can’t be trusted in that capacity again. Unlike in education when a student is required to repeat a class after failure, the reward for a failed elected political office holder is to be voted out which West Kogites wisely did in 2015. Has anything changed to warrant a change of heart to favourably consider the quest of SSA? That is left for voters to decide.

I resist the temptation to judge but have only placed untainted facts in the public domain to assist informed decision on how people will vote in 2019 as far as Kogi West District is concerned. Contrary verifiable facts are welcomed.

– Posi Botun

A concerned West Kogite.

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