Amb. Usman Ogohi Marks 2 Years in Office as NYCN Chairman

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My dear Kogi youth,

Today, with profound joy and gratitude, we gather to mark a significant milestone in our journey towards a brighter future for the youth of Kogi state. It has been two years since you bestowed upon me the honor and privilege to serve as the Chairman of the National Youth Council of Nigeria, Kogi state chapter. These two years have been filled with challenges, but together, we have faced them head-on, emerging stronger and more determined than ever to champion the cause of the youth.

Looking back, we have achieved remarkable milestones that have made a positive impact on the lives of countless young people across our dear state. From the very beginning of our tenure, we set out with a clear vision and unwavering dedication to transforming the landscape for Kogi youth:

Within the first 14 days in office, we initiated a major renovation of the youth house at Phase 1 junction, Lokoja, Kogi State, successfully transforming it into a functional space for our activities.

In the first 100 days, we conducted a thank-you tour and needs assessment across all 21 local government areas of the state, engaging with various stakeholders and local government chapter executives to address our challenges collectively.

To promote sports and engagement among our youth, we organized the NYCN Chairman’s Cup, a football tournament that rewarded passion and provided a constructive outlet for our young talents.

We embarked on tours to eight states in four geopolitical zones (excluding Northeast and South East due to security concerns) to clarify the true nature of our state, attract investors, and campaign for a youthful and visionary presidential candidate, supporting GYB’s aspirations.

On the occasion of International Youth Day, we celebrated with Kogi students, conducting an enlightening tour of a fish farm and raising awareness about the impact of Tree Planting on Climate Change. We also donated and planted trees in selected secondary schools in the state capital.

We have established a functional website,, aiming to serve the interests of all Kogi youths, and I encourage you all to register as members for free.

Our efforts led to the successful request and approval of land for farming in Ibaji Local Government Area, demonstrating our commitment to empowering our youth through agriculture, the council is currently farming at the federal university farm site through the director of AgricultureCentrall.

We fostered relationships with various agencies and organizations, including Kogi Enterprise Development Agency (KEDA), Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN), Kogi State Civil Service Commission, Industrial Training Fund (ITF), and HYPPADEC, among others, to promote empowerment, vocational training, and employment opportunities for our youth.

We secured a Children’s Amusement Park as our new office accommodation, graciously approved by His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello.

Our empowerment initiatives resulted in slots for youths to be trained in plumbing, shoe making, tailoring, and carpentry, thanks to our collaboration with the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).

Through the GYP2PYB scholarship scheme, we facilitated scholarships for deserving Kogi youth to pursue higher education in selected tertiary institutions.

We realized with a deep sense of pain how difficult and expensive it is for our young girls and women to get hygienic menstruation pads, we secured the service of an NGO to teach 25 young women from each of the local governments how to make re-usable and healthy pad and to make sure this knowledge is stepped down in their various communities. 

In the spirit of activism and advocacy, we established a committee to engage with pure water manufacturers (Atwap) to review the price of pure water within the Lokoja metropolis, with special consideration for student environments, and succeeded in subsidizing pure water for students at Kogi State Polytechnic.

The former children’s amusement park now Kogi youth house underwent renovation and received a facelift, and we have also provided a 5-aside football pitch for recreational purposes.

We actively engaged in management meetings, ensuring that the voice of Kogi youth is always represented and heard.

We revived and included Statutory VYOs (Voluntary Youth Organizations) in council business, fostering a more inclusive and representative platform.

Our commitment to transparency and communication led to the publication of a100-day-in-officee newsletter, and constant releases keeping you informed about our progress.

To our presence and impact, we expanded the NYCN structure to the ward levels, ensuring that no youth is left behind in our endeavors.

In all these endeavors, we have been blessed with unwavering support. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello, whose vision and love for the younger generation have been instrumental in our successes. I also express my gratitude to the youngest Chief of Staff in Nigeria, Chief Pharm. Mohammed Jamiu Asuku, for his relentless and unwavering support and exemplary leadership.

My fellow Kogi youths, I stand before you today to reiterate my unwavering commitment to your welfare and the betterment of our state. 

As we navigate through challenging times, let us remember that it is in unity that we find strength, and in collaboration that we discover solutions.

Together, we will rise above every obstacle and continue to shine as a Council that every Kogi youth can be proud of. 

Let us remain focused on our collective aspirations, always striving to build a brighter tomorrow for our generation and those to come.

Thank you for your unwavering support and trust in my leadership. The journey continues, and I assure you that our dedication to an open, transparent, accountable,e and productive leadership style will remain unshaken.

Long live Kogi state youth!

Long live the National Youth Council of Nigeria!

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

Build the youth, Build the Nation.


Amb. Usman Ogohi Samuel,
State Chairman National Youth Council of Nigeria, Kogi State Chapter.

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