Akaaba’s Midas Touch on Security Matters in Ajaokuta Worthy of Commendation

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Many political watchers in Ajaokuta local government, like my humble self, have never been surprised about the impeccable security track records of Hon. Akaaba Aliyu Mustapha all through his days as Administrator of the local government. Of course, what do you expect when his political godfather, the youthful and resourceful Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Bello has been adjudged and awarded as the best security conscious Governor of Nigeria.

Hon. Mustapha whose tenure as Administrator of Ajaokuta LGA was dotted with glaring achievements has once again rejuvenated his effort and commitment as the Executive Chairman, to ensure that the people of the area sleep with their eyes close.

When men of the underworld reigned and unleased unquantifiable mayhem on the people, thereby sending morbid fear to the spine of unsuspecting citizens, the chairman dexterously adopted  several instrumentalities aimed at permanently curtailing the menace. Now, all Ajaokutans and commuters can go about their daily routine unmolested.

The Ajaokuta Council Boss who believe that society can be best built by firm leadership decisions and actions with zero tolerance for abnormalities, which will eventually become firm foundation for generations yet unborn has vowed never to relent in fighting insecurity within and across the LGA. 

Today, we are happy that our young political juggernaut is setting the pace for better tomorrow through his unprecedented leadership acumen and  developmental strides. His frantic efforts to fight heinous crimes in the local government is indeed, worthy of commendation.

Hon Akaaba’s recent and personal effort in fetching out those committing heinous crimes along Okene-Ajaokuta road is loud. He did not delegate or abdicate his responsibility of keeping Ajaokuta safe, he had to shelve all his official paraphernalia and actively led a team of vigilantes in fishing out kidnappers along Ajaokuta-Okene road.

Considering his track records as the former Administrator, we can envisage better facelift in all spheres of governance as he steers the Executive ship of the Local Government. We can boldly say that “Ajaokuta is in a safe hand”.

– Abdulhameed Ivavah wrote from Ajaokta, Kogi State.

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