Admiral Jibrin Usman Akpabana: The Definitive Choice for Kogi East to Reclaim Power From Yahaya Bello

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In the lead-up to the pivotal Kogi State governorship election, the residents of Kogi East, particularly the Igalas, find themselves at a crossroads, compelled to closely scrutinize the political landscape and deliberate on the most fitting candidate to challenge the incumbent Yahaya Bello’s bid for an extended tenure through Ahmed Usman Ododo.

The impending decision carries profound implications, as the Igalas, who have been witnessing a gradual erosion of their majority status, must strategically navigate this juncture in their political trajectory. Amidst the complex interplay of contenders, one figure stands out as a beacon of hope and transformation: Admiral Usman Jibrin, affectionately known as Akpabana, the governorship candidate of Accord party.

In order to fully comprehend the stakes at hand, it is paramount for the Easterners to internalize a pivotal truth: their prospects for success hinge on presenting a unified front in the upcoming election. A fragmented approach, characterized by multiple contenders, could inadvertently pave the way for their collective failure. Hence, the Easterners ought to acknowledge that a singular, unifying figure is needed to carry their aspirations forward, and that figure is none other than Admiral Usman Jibrin.

While it is undeniable that Hon. Muritala Ajaka of the Social Democratic Party has garnered substantial popularity, particularly among the youth demographic, it is imperative to acknowledge that popularity alone cannot guarantee victory in the political arena. Ajaka’s commendable financial capabilities and potential as a leader notwithstanding, the formidable challenge presented by Bello necessitates a more comprehensive strategy. The Kogi election landscape echoes the adage, “The Kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent took it by force.” Triumphing over Bello’s entrenched influence demands unwavering determination and an audacious display of political force.

Governor Yahaya Bello has demonstrated an acute understanding of power dynamics and has wielded his authority with unapologetic vigor since assuming office. The echoes of his previous triumphs in 2019 serve as a stark reminder of his tenacity and the necessity of matching his resolve with equal determination. The assertion that Bello’s hold over the East has waned due to personnel changes in his camp is a misguided notion. The new cadre of individuals supporting Bello in the East have proven themselves to be even more formidable and relentless than their predecessors.

Admiral Jibrin Akpabana is a figure whose very name reverberates with promise and the potential to disrupt Bello’s dominion. This assertion is substantiated by the fact that Governorship elections are intricately interwoven with national influence, and in this realm, Jibrin stands on a more favorable footing. Unlike Muritala Ajaka, who has seen his national influence dwindled since departing from the All Progressives Congress, Jibrin’s affiliations, including his role as a former Chief of Naval Staff and his familial connection to a former Chief of Defense Staff (Admiral Ibrahim Ogohi), positions him as an unassailable force, impervious to Bello’s manipulation of security agencies.

It is imperative to grasp that victory in a gubernatorial race transcends monetary largesse. The bedrock of a successful campaign lies in cultivating a cadre of loyal supporters who are willing to lay down their lives for the cause. Admiral Akpabana boasts a robust network across the state, built upon his legacy as a naval leader, wherein job opportunities were facilitated for numerous individuals. Kogi Easterners stand to capitalize on this deep-seated loyalty, galvanizing it into an insurmountable wave of support.

Furthermore, Admiral Jibrin has meticulously cultivated an array of influential backers on the national stage. While the identities of these individuals may remain shrouded in secrecy, the telltale signs were unmistakably on display during his son’s recent wedding, where distinguished personalities graced the occasion. These influencers hold the key to determining the fate of Kogi’s governance.

The power of social media, while undeniably significant in contemporary politics, should not be overestimated. The tale of Peter Obi’s campaign serves as a poignant reminder that virtual support does not invariably translate into electoral victory. In contrast, Admiral Jibrin has garnered the unwavering endorsement of key political elders and opinion shapers in the East, signaling a formidable groundswell of support. These venerable figures possess the resources and influence to decisively tip the scales in Jibrin’s favor.

As the days unfold, Admiral Jibrin Akpabana is poised to ascend the Eastern social media landscape, wielding an arsenal of compelling narratives and rallying cries.

 The winds of change are palpable, as erstwhile supporters of Muritala Ajaka recognize the pragmatic imperatives and align themselves with Jibrin’s compelling vision. The writing on the wall indicates a shift of seismic proportions, compelling a collective shift towards Akpabana, propelled by the realization that, in the best interests of the Igalas, Muri must gallantly cede the spotlight to the Admiral, whose prospects shine luminously on the horizon.

The impending Kogi State Governorship election beckons the Easterners to embrace Admiral Jibrin Akpabana as the transformative leader capable of wresting power from the indomitable Yahaya Bello. With an unparalleled grasp of security agencies, unwavering loyalty from across the state, and a constellation of national backers, Akpabana is primed to restore the East to its rightful place of prominence.

As the tides of change surge inexorably forward, the Easterners stand at a historic crossroads, poised to recalibrate the trajectory of their political destiny by placing their unwavering faith in Admiral Jibrin Akpabana.

– Comrade Shaibu O., a political analyst, writes from Lokoja.

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