A Widow’s Acclaimed Direct Encounter with God

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A widow who gave her name as Glory Andrew claims to have been receiving messages directly from God since year 2006.  She receives God’s messages not through dream but hears the voice of God physically at intervals. She said the voice is not audible to anybody near her. She keeps her note near her at all times; when she begins to hear Him she would pick her biro and begin to write. When He is done she would write down the date and time. She said it is the “Final Word of God” to His people on earth.  She had a discussion with Sam Aji. Excerpts:

How did God give you the encounter?

God gave me fourteen years encounter with the LORD Jesus Christ. The encounters came in three phases. The first phase of the encounter began on Monday, 6th March 2006. The second phase began 1st August, 2006. The third phase began 1st October, 2006. The first phase was fourteen years on 5th March 2020, the second phase was fourteen years on 31st July 2020 and the third phase was fourteen years on 30th of September 2020. The LORD said I should write the encounter and the message HE gave me for the world in a book. Some chapters of the book are ready as at the time of writing this – 7th December 2020.

On 15th January 2015, the LORD gave me the first edition of the urgent aspect of the message to the world and HE said that I should release that aspect immediately. I started giving out this first edition April, 2015. The LORD gave me the second edition of THE URGENT MESSAGE FOR CHRISTIANS AND MINISTERS on the 27th of December 2015 and the third edition was given on 12th November 2016. The last edition so far was completed May 2018.

Then the LORD said I should include an addendum to the URGENT MESSAGE FOR CHRISTIANS AND MINISTERS. The addendum was completed September 2019. I started giving out the last edition of THE URGENT MESSAGE FOR CHRISTIAN AND MINISTERS along with the addendum on 30th December 2019.

By January 2020 I thought all was set for the seminars to begin. However my family had to attend to the departure of the first born in the family. What I thought was the first seminar was fixed for 28th March 2020 but before that date Corona Virus set in and everybody was under lockdown.

While wandering about the state of the world at this time and what God is saying concerning the issue, on 7th April 2020 at 01:27 am, the LORD dictated to me HIS own solution to Corona Virus. I was surprised to see that that was what HE had been showing me for the past fourteen years.

Please speak more about God’s revelation to you

The LORD gave a revelation to a sister which she posted on WhatsApp and HE said that I should pass it on. I saw the revelation on WhatsApp on 1st May, 2020 at 00:55am. Here is the revelation:

“I had an encounter with the LORD Jesus Christ last night before our midnight prayer session. I suddenly felt like praising the LORD and asking HIM for mercy and as I began to do this with the whole of my spirit, soul and body, I saw the glory of the LORD came down into my room. The glory looked like a bright white light mingled with clouds, the glory was resting on the sidewall of my room. Now in the room I am currently staying right here on the mission field, there are some tiny holes on some of the sidewalls but as the glory of the LORD appeared on the wall and as the glory becomes thicker, I could not see the holes anymore (then I knew I was not hallucinating) and as I continued to behold the glory of the LORD, the glory was so strong upon me that I was going to fall down but I held myself straight. The LORD said many things to me but this is the part HE asked me to tell the world. The LORD said “Things are about to change for everyone on earth. Tell MY people that I will not pardon their sins anymore. What they shall receive from ME is a terrible judgment and not forgiveness because they willingly sin against ME. I will shake the earth and the dark heavens controlling the earth and every one shall be afraid of ME. You need to warn everyone on earth to repent genuinely and serve ME because I AM sending destruction upon the earth that will waste lives and living creatures, and when this destruction comes I will not answer the prayers of those who have already been warned but yet still went ahead to sin against ME”. (When the LORD said this I was afraid and began to weep).” In that day some people affected by MY wind of destruction shall come to you to pray for them but I will not allow you to pray for them because I shall not answer that prayer. I have warned them but they despised MY warnings. I will surely preserve MY own. I will be a covering and security for as many as are now pleasing ME and living for ME. Even if some of them happen to be affected by the plagues of destruction, I will make MY healing power available to heal them”.

The LORD also told me something I have never known before and I think I should share with you. HE said “What do you know about TIME? Do you think TIME is that thing you have on your phone and on the wall clock? No that is not TIME. I AM the TIME. And in these last days I AM going to manipulate your times. I AM going to step into your times and cause MY will to prevail. I will stop and frustrate and abort the evils Satan and wicked men have programmed into your times. I AM the TIME because I AM the beginning and ending of everything and everyone, NOTHING HAPPENS ON EARTH WITHOUT MY APPROVAL AND PERMISION. I AM the only ONE who can begin to do a great work at 4:00 am and after I AM done with MY work you will still check your time and see that you are still at 4:00 am. The whole world is going to see shocking wonders of ME THE KING OF DAYS AND TIMES”.

You see as the LORD was speaking to me I could feel a great anger in HIS heart against our generation and that made me really scared. The LORD is going to strike the whole earth with a great destruction and HE will not withdraw HIS hand until HE has completely destroyed ALL HIS enemies. Here we are not talking about thousands of deaths, we are talking about millions. Maybe the LORD is giving us few months to repent I don’t know or maybe it is few weeks I don’t know, but how I wish you will hear the sound of the trumpet (this warning) right now and change from your sinful ways and turn to the LORD and begin to please HIM.

What is God’s solution to Covid-19?

GOD’S OWN SOLUTION TO CORONA VIRUS is available right now with me as a write-up.  I am yet to release it.

You were saying God gave you His Final Words of some issues in the world, what are the final words?

On 26th of August 2020 at 09:44 am, the LORD started to give me this FINAL WORD. This FINAL WORD includes:  

First, Message From God Almighty To Mazi Nnamdi Kanu The Leader Of The Proscribed Indigeneous People Of Biafra On 26th August, 2020 At 09:44 Am.

The LORD said that I should tell you that HE is the ONE that put Nigeria together for HIS divine purpose. HE said the destiny of every tribe in Nigeria is in HIS hands, NOT in the hands of any man. Any tribe in Nigeria that wants to claim their rightful position should submit to HIM. HE said I should give you this scripture: Acts 9:1-5. HE said I should emphasize verse five to you. It reads “I AM Jesus whom thou persecutes: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”

HE said I should tell you to lead the Ibo race to submit to HIM. HE said HE will ensure that the race occupies her rightful position in Nigeria. The LORD said HE is against these killings and unnecessary loss of lives. HE said HE does not want a repeat of what happened during Biafra war. If you choose not to obey HIM that action will be visited with HIS wrath. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry Jehovah.  The LORD said this particular message is applicable to ALL Traditional Rulers of their indigenous people.

Second Is What The Lord Said About America On 12th November 2016 And 28th January 2017:

The LORD said that HE is the ONE that put America together for HIS divine purpose. HE also told me that FROM 12TH NOVEMBER  2016 UNTIL WHEN HE PLEASES HE WILL ONLY ALLOW THE PERSON WHO WILL LEAD AMERICA BACK TO HIM TO BECOME PRESIDENT IN AMERICA. HE said Donald J Trump is HIS choice for the moment. After his TWO TERMS HE Jehovah GOD will bring the person that will continue from where Donald J Trump stops. Any person on a contrary mission HE Jehovah God will fight him.

But Donald Trump has lost the election.

Third word is What Is Going to Happen on the Day of the Lord: EXODUS 11:4; ISAIAH 63:4 AND MALACHI 4:1-3.   The LORD said I should tell the people that HE has created that HE is going to repeat what HE did in Egypt this end-time. After sending many plagues to Egypt and Pharaoh refused to heed, HE paid a visit to Egypt one night. In the morning there was no house in Egypt without a dead body. HE said after sending terrorist groups like Boko Haram, kidnappers, suicide bombers etcetera as well as corona virus to the earth and the people HE created refused to give heed, HE has decided to visit the earth through Nigeria (Exodus 11:4). HE said that I should tell us that the deaths in corona virus was in thousands but the deaths on the day of HIS visitation will be in millions. HE said I should give us these scriptures: Exodus 11:4, Isaiah 63:4 and Malachi 4:1-3.

The Fourth Is The Message Of The Lord To Those That Do Not Dress Godly:

For those that do not dress godly, the LORD said HE has a name for you. HE said I should tell you that the name is ‘PROSTITUTE’ even if you are a Christian, born again, Holy Ghost filled with the evidence of speaking in tongues. As a prostitute, the LORD said you should not be found anywhere except the brothel where only those who patronize prostitutes go. If you are found anywhere else apart from the brothel, you will be a victim in the day of the LORD’s visitation to the earth through Nigeria.

HE said that I should tell you that ungodly dressing includes the perming of hair, jerry curling hair, fixing of attachment, weave on, wig on the hair, fixing eyelashes and paintings of all kinds (2nd Kings 9:30; Proverbs 7:10). It includes wearing of jewelries, bangles, beads including engagement and wedding rings, plastic bangles with church name written on it and all forms of rings. It includes a woman wearing trouser or a man wearing skirt or tying wrapper in the name of traditional dressing. It includes dyeing of hair, bleaching of the skin and cutting tattoos on the body. It also includes men and women wearing tight fitting clothes and clothes that expose naked and sensitive parts of their bodies as well as young men sagging their trousers and engaging in demonic barbing of their hair. It includes men wearing chain and covering their heads when praying or prophesying, some in the name of Bishop regalia and women uncovering their heads while praying or prophesying (1st Corinthians 11:4-5). Any dressing that makes a man or woman unnatural (artificial) Romans 1:26 is ungodly. Artificial hairs and hairdos, face make-ups, eye shadow, lip sticks, false eye lashes, wet lips, nail cortex, artificial nails, use of thread and wool, worldly platting or braiding, fixing beads or jewels into the hair and those of children, earrings, nose rings, chains including ankle chains, body painting and use of powder, worldly haircut, use of shining stones and pearls on dresses, shine, shine clothing, high heel shoes (false height) are defilement, abomination, sensuality, seduction, disobedience and ungodly.

The LORD said HE hates UNGODLY DRESSING with a passion because it is a major cause of (i) seduction which leads to (ii) sexual immorality which gives rise to (iii) the MYSTERY of the existence in our world of WICKED SPIRITS IN THE FORM OF HUMAN BEINGS (some are General Overseers, some are wives of General Overseers, some are husbands of female General Overseers-name it!) (iv) unwanted pregnancy, abortion and blood guiltiness (v) examination malpractice (vi) ALL kinds of fraud and (vii) ALL kinds of evils of that have  highly polluted HIS church on earth, that are destroying the world HE created today and made the BRIDE of Christ to be un-rapturable. The LORD said we should learn more about GODLY DRESSING from two of church denominations in Nigeria that believe in it. They are Deeper Life Bible Church and Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries.

The Fifth Is God’s Message to Demons in Human Flesh:

The LORD said that I should tell us that the following people shall be victims on the day of HIS visitation to the earth through Nigeria. HE said I should tell homosexuals, gays, lesbians, trans-genders, cross dressers to change their ways if they do not want to be casualties on the day of HIS visitation to the earth. It includes prostitutes that do not limit themselves to the brothel, hypocritical godly dressers, those that sponsor and commit abortion, Make-up artists, saloon operators who perm hair and fix attachment on people’s hair, engage in demonic barbing of people’s hair and nail specialists. It includes those that post pornography on the social media, those that call themselves Christians and are living in sexual immorality, men who call themselves Christians and are married to more than one wife as well as women who say they are Christians and are married to a man as second, third or more wife. It includes those that say they are Christians yet they operate baby factories, run brothels, beer palours, ogogoro joints, drug joints, run shops where alcoholic drinks, hot drinks and cigarettes are sold, owners of restaurants and eateries where polluted food is sold to people, those that aid and abet examination malpractice, those that engage/engaged in examination malpractice and are using the fraudulent certificates to work, those that produce pornographic music videos, sons and daughters of Ahab as well as Jezebel their mother (2nd Kings 9:7), anti-Christ General Overseers, anti-Christ Pastors, anti-Christ wives of General Overseers, anti-Christ husbands of female General Overseers,  anti-Christ Deacons, Deaconesses and Elders, all anti-Christ Media personnel, all anti-Christ Judges, all anti-Christ Social Media Owners,  Gay Pastors, Priests who are keeping hidden families, those pushing for one world religion and one world government, those that want to scatter Nigeria and America, unjust Judges, end-time Judas Iscariots (betrayers), those that want to forcefully vaccinate God’s people and give us 666 mark before rapture, those locking down churches, schools and businesses, kidnappers, all terrorist groups, all stubborn pursuing Pharaouhs (Exodus 14:8-9), every boasting Nebuchadnezzer (Daniel 4:28-33), all prophet-killing Herods (Acts 12:1-2), all those who claim they are Christians and are worshiping idols and bowing down to images, all those that masturbate, all those that engage in bestiality, all the sexually immoral, all fraudsters, all unrepentant sons and daughters of perdition (John 6:70; John17:12;Acts 1:20; Psalm109:8; & Psalm 69:25) AS WELL AS ALL DEMONS IN HUMAN FLESH (Genesis 6:1-3). The LORD said that in Egypt HE went from house to house. In the day of HIS visitation to the earth through Nigeria, HE will be moving from person to person. HE said I should tell us that the death in corona virus was in thousands but the deaths in the day of HIS visitation to the earth will be in millions.

You were talking about images that signify his coming. Can you explain a little?

Six strange images in the sky that shows the second coming of Jesus Christ is now.  On 22nd October: 2020 at 10:47 am, the following appeared on the news and the LORD said I should include it in this FINAL WORD!  I cannot explain the first image.  This image literarily or symbolically means God was angry. And why HE was angry? It is because of our ungodly behavior, things that draws HIM very far away from us. So we should do our best to change our behaviours.

The second image is two eyes looking down from the sky on earth. The comment reads: The eyes we see means God was watching someone do his or her ungodly acts and it also tells us that whatever we do God sees us even in our deepest secret or darkness, so we have to do anything possible to make God proud of us.

The third picture is a human figure in the sky. The comment reads: This also tells us that Jesus pleads for us whenever the time comes for God to come for people to be raptured. HE pleads for us because HE remembers the pain HE went through at Calvary where HE was crucified.

The fourth picture is a large dove in the sky. The comment reads: This happened in Italy a while ago. We have to be very cautious about what we do in our darkest places.

The fifth picture is a huge lion at the sky looking at the earth. The comment reads: This shows that the LION OF JUDAH is still working for HIS children and we have to do anything possible to draw closer to HIM.

The sixth picture is a horse in a galloping shape in the sky. The comment reads: This image is very deep and literal. I do think that this time around God is angry and HE is willing to come any moment from now, so we have to evangelize greatly to receive our reward in heaven when the trumpet blows.

What is really God’s Final Words?

On 20th November; 2020 at 14:00, the LORD said I should include this prophesy in this FINAL WORD:

It will not be long before there will come upon the world a time of unparalleled upheaval and turmoil. Do not fear, it is I the LORD who am shaking all things. I began this shaking with the First World War, and I greatly increased it through the Second World War. Since 1973 I have given it an even greater impetus. In the last stage, I plan to complete it with the shaking of the universe itself, with signs and wonders in sun and moon and stars. But before that point is reached I will judge the nations, and the time is near. It will not only be by war and civil war, by anarchy and terrorism, and by monetary collapses that I will judge the nations, but also by natural disasters: by earthquake, by shortages and famines, and by old and new plague diseases. I will judge them by giving them over to their own ways, to lawlessness, to loveless selfishness, to delusion and to believing a lie; to false religion and an apostate church, even to a Christianity without ME.

Do not fear when these things begin to happen, for I disclose these things to you before they commence in order that you might be prepared, and that in the day of trouble and of evil you may stand firm and overcome. For I purpose that you may become the means of encouraging and strengthening many who love ME but who are weak. I desire that through you many may become strong in ME, and that multitudes of others might find salvation through you.

And hear this! Do not fear the power of the kremlin, nor the power of the Islamic Revolution, for I plan to break both of them through Israel. I will bring down their pride and their arrogance, and shatter them because they have blasphemed MY name. In that day I will avenge the blood of all the martyrs and of the innocent ones whom they have slaughtered. I will surely do this thing for they have thought that there was no one to judge them. But I have seen their ways and I have heard the cries of the oppressed and of the persecuted and I will break their power and make an end of them. Be therefore prepared for when all this comes to pass, TO YOU WILL BE GIVEN THE LAST GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO PREACH THE GOSPLE FREELY TO ALL NATIONS.

In the midst of all the turmoil and shaking, and the heart of everything, is MY church. In the heavenliness she is joined to ME in one Spirit, and I have destined her for the throne. You who are MY beloved, whom I have redeemed and anointed – you are MINE. I will equip and empower you and you will rise up and do great things in MY Name, even in the midst of darkness and evil. For I will reveal MY power, and MY grace and MY glory through you. Do not hold back nor question MY ways with you, for in all MY dealings with you I have always in mind that you should be part of MY bride and reign with ME. Do not forget that this requires special discipline and training. So yield to ME that I might do a work in you in the time that is left, I plan even during all these shaking that the bride will make herself ready.

And in the midst of nations on earth, seething with unrest and conflict, I have set MY Israel.  Yes I say MY Israel, even though they work in disobedience and transgression, in the stubbornness of their hearts, divorced ME through unbelief. Nevertheless, always remember that I made them enemies of the gospel for your sake. I the LORD, I MYSELF blinded them and hardened them that salvation might come to the gentiles in fullness. Yet they are still mine, beloved of ME with a tender and undying love. They are MY kith and MY kin, and I love them. Shall I give them up for all they have done to ME, says the LORD? Yet I have surrendered them to sorrow, to anguish of heart and continuous suffering. But I have never given them up. In all their afflictions I was afflicted, though I neither delivered nor save them from death. Nevertheless I have been present, although unnoticed and unrewarded, in all their sufferings. There was no gas chamber, no massacre in which I was not present. But now the time has surely come when I shall receive them, for I will reveal MYSELF to them and with astonishment, they will recognize ME.

For in the midst of these judgments MULTITUDES UPON MULTITUDES will be saved across the nations. You will hardly know how to bring the harvest in, but MY Spirit will equip you for the task. And to Israel I will also turn in that day, and I will melt the hardening which has befallen her. I will turn their blindness into clear site and tear away the veil on their heart. Then shall they be redeemed with heart-bursting joy, and it will become a fountain of new and resurrection life to the whole company of the redeemed.

Where do God say you will be on that day?

God Said, “Do not fear for these days, for I have purposed that you should stand with ME and serve ME in them. Fear not for I love you and I will protect you and equip you. I the LORD will anoint you with anew anointing and you will work MY works and fulfill MY counsel. You shall stand before ME, the LORD of the whole earth, and serve ME with understanding and with power, AND YOU SHALL REIGN WITH ME DURING THEESE DAYS.  ABOVE ALL I CALL YOU TO BE INTERCESSORS.

What has God said about visitation to the world through Nigeria?


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