A Foolproof Method for Creating Peace in Nigeria

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By Dr. David Leffler

Here is a foolproof, simple, and most expedient method for achieving peace and stability in Nigeria. During these dangerous times, terrorism could quickly end if Nigeria’s military were trained to form what is known in Latin American military circles as a Prevention Wing of the Military. This military unit would be comprised of *Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) experts. The purpose of this IDT group would be to practice the non-religious Transcendental Meditation® (TM) and the advanced TM-Sidhi®program in a group twice a day.

TM comes from the ancient Vedic tradition of India. The late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought out the TM technique in 1956. Maharishi predicted that if 1% of a population practiced the TM program, peace and harmony would increase throughout society. Additionally, he anticipated the same result if the square root of 1% of a population practiced the advanced TM-Sidhi program in groups twice daily. Scientists call the increased societal coherence that results from practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program “the Maharishi Effect.” These predicted results, summarized below, have been seen repeatedly in published,reputable refereed journals such as The Journal of Conflict ResolutionSocial Indicators ResearchJournal of Crime and JusticeJournal of Mind and Behavior and International Journal of Neuroscience. Much of this research is reviewed in a paper written by the author, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS) (Fall 2009, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 153-162), called “A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising — Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace.” (Available online at: http://davidleffler.com/preventing-enemies.html)

The extensive peer-reviewed research and military field-tests worldwide show that proper application of these specific programs bring about measurable decreases in crime, terrorism and war, and improvements in quality of life, which are thought to be tangible signs of the reduction of societal stress. These changes are measurable from such statistics as reduced terrorism and conflict, crime rates, accidents, hospital admissions and infant mortality.

In highly stressed areas of the globe, establishment of large groups of IDT experts have also increased economic incentives and growth of prosperity. Entrepreneurship and creativity increase as well. Also, on a global scale when large groups of civilian experts gathered from 1983 to 1985, terrorism-related casualties decreased 72 per cent and international conflict decreased 32 per cent. Moreover, such positive changes in social trends take place within a few days or weeks after IDT is introduced.

The IDT approach has been used during wartime, resulting in reduction of fighting, reduced war deaths and casualties, and improved progress toward resolving the conflict through peaceful means. IDT is totally unlike any other defense technology in that it does not use violence in an attempt to quell violence.

It is the high collective stress levels in Nigeria that ultimately fuel terrorism and war. If dangerous levels of collective stress and frustration are reduced by applying IDT, then Nigera’s governmental leaders and citizens will be more capable of finding constructive and orderly solutions to the unresolved issues plaguing the nation.

With greater civic calm, citizens’ aspirations will rise and a more productive and balanced society will emerge. Then violence as a means for change and/or as an expression of discontent will naturally subside.

The powerful brain-based, human-resource Invincible Defense Technology is aptly named. The word invincible means incapable of being defeated, unconquerable. Defense means to defend and to protect. Technology is applied scientific knowledge. The goal of IDT is to prevent enemies from arising. The military that properly applies it can ultimately obtain victory before war. Once this goal is achieved, the military becomes invincible because there are no enemies to fight. No enemies means no war or terrorism and full security, as well as a happy, productive and normal life for everyone.

For these reasons, the IDT approach is advocated by the Global Union of Scientists for Peace (GUSP). This non-profit organization hosted an international conference in Kiev, Ukraine (see:https://www.gusp.org/global-peace-summit/). Renowned Ukrainian leaders Lt. General (Ret.) Vasyl Krutov, former chief of the Ukraine Anti-Terrorism Center, as well as Academician Dr. Sergiy Maksymenko, a distinguished Ukrainian research scientist, are among the impressive list of participants who spoke at or voiced their support for the conference. Others included President Joachim Chissano of Mozambique, who applied innovative IDT programs to end that nation’s civil war; retired Ecuadorian Lt. General José Villamil, who also applied IDT to end war between Ecuador and Peru; and Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

IDT is a way for the military of Nigeria to prevent conflict and terrorism by deploying a proven, simple, human resource-based approach, with minimal training and costs needed to implement it. The primary costs would be for training personnel in the IDT techniques. The entire training and implementation would cost about as much as one modern fighter jet.

Recent events show that IDT is desperately needed. There is truly no other solution. Nigerian leaders would be wise to read the proceedings of the GUSP conference and learn how best to rapidly establish perpetual peace.


*Invincible Defense Technology is a brain-based technology which utilizes the Unified Field. For a detailed explanation, see the online video and transcript titled: “An Important Message for All Military Leaders from the Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense,” by Harvard-trained quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin (both available at: http://www.istpp.org/military_science/Hagelin_military_lecture.html).

About the author:

Dr. David Leffler has a Ph.D. in Consciousness-Based Military Defense and served as an Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (http://www.strongmilitary.org) and lectures and writes worldwide about IDT.

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