Fall of Moral Truth and Contra-Distinction of Ethnic Pursuits in Kogi

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Unfortunately those who worked the darkest and solitary night of power change in Kogi state did not survive the Darwinian struggle. But that seems inconsequential at this very moment. Either, in any case genuine to consider the enduring spirit to choose a better history, particularly trapping a God-given promise: that all are equal, are free and or deserve a chance to pursue a greater happiness for all in the face of political marginalization cum ethnic hegemony worthwhile.

Be that as it may, what seems to have trickled down is conundrum of political and economic poverty which in a sense has accentuated a monumental miscarriage of the supposed good governance. Including the disaster it has appropriated in due course and the consequent penumbra hovering over the citizenry.

Let me be brief with the synopsis of what is known, unknown or what may be disputed. In other words, beyond the ordinary sense of this narrative, Kogi people are suffering greatly. This is not to underscore in close quarters the density of this said suffering. But if to be candid, one would ask what constituted this element? Some people would simply consider leadership incompetence, while others may think it well on inexperience, corruption and so on and on.

In light of the foregoing question, I want to argue that the problem with Kogi state is between the “contradiction of moral truth and leadership contra-distinction”. And in this sense, particular effort would be helpful to us as to span this understanding. But before that, it’s important to appreciate my relative values of strict “sit-down look posture” overtime. And the reason is simple. That most people who have been engaging themselves in the art of writing about the state are not in essence equipped with the requisite knowledge of what is inherently amiss. But I think this critical period calls for an in-look. Hence, this engagement.

Yes! Looking into the cause of suffering in Kogi state with kin consciousness, one wouldn’t have in any way hesitate to agree that the moral justification for the basic goal of healthy cohesion between and within became a product of animosities to individual happiness among the ethnic composition in the state. In other word, moral bond in its strict sense of adequacy, principle and standard; a criterion upon which social behavior is judged has been out-rightly slaughtered by individual and collective pursuits.

This picture is succinctly explained for obvious reason why a particular section held tenaciously to power and use that means to milk the state dry, while others struggle inevitably. And for this particular function, the fundamental understanding is merely for means to an end; scramble for certain political goals.

However, this desperate motive ended up in illicit and irrational acts. Such acts as stealing government monies, particularly the one stolen through ghost-working syndrome.

…to be continued.

– Martins Mejabi, a journalist, writes from Kogi state.

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