Elere Samuel Pays Tribute to Dr. Busayo Agbana

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According to one of the most celebrated thinkers in history, Socrates, ‘ Death may be the greatest of all human blessings’. Yeah, it is very painful to us, but reviewing the gallant fight and struggle that our beloved brother had put on, considering the pain he has gone through, I reason with Socrates.

However, “How people die remains in the memory of those who live on” according to Dame Cicely Saunders, and without any garnishing Dr Busayo Agbana died leaving very refreshing memories behind. From a few minutes past 3 am in the morning when I got the call from his family that my friend has passed on, it has been a barrage of remarkable testimonies of his impacts in the lives of people. He wants the best for others.

I remember in 2019 Late Dr. Busayo Agbana came to my house in Mopa and told me that he has convinced some of our classmates and they have agreed to sponsor me to contest for House of Assembly elections. I was shocked to find out that he already discussed with some of our friends in other schools because immediately he left Mr. Ade Gabriel who is currently the NUT chairman came to me and mentioned the same thing. Even though I tactically declined the offer, it registered forever in my heart.

In year 2021 when the prestigious TOLD Network was planning to come to Mopa for their annual life impacting seminar, they were looking for who could deliver a paper on their chosen topic. Dr. Agbana who was a member of their Board of Directors mentioned my name to them. They called me up but didn’t tell me it was him that nominated me. After the lecture and an award was given to me. Dr forwarded the message of the convener Sijuwade Adeyeye to me as below and that was what made me to know he recommended me to them:

“Thank you for your huge support for the success of TOLD2022. Also thank you for the recommendation of Elere Samuel. He was exceptional”.

That is Busayo for you.

As the Coordinator of our Alumni class, one of us reached out to me that she was having health complications and I told my class mates. We resolved to raise a token to support her. As at this time Busayo was already critically ill but we didn’t know how serious it was. Alas he was one of those that quickly sent his contribution to me. He was covering his own pain to alleviate the suffering of another. That is Busayo.

In 2012 when I was in University of Ibadan for my Masters degree, Busayo came into town to write an exam. I didn’t know he was in town but he looked for me until he located me and without requesting anything from him he said, “ha Elere Omo school ni e bayi, gba ko manage e”.

Last year 2022, when I became the National President of Mopa Welfare Society, Busayo sent me a message as below:

Congratulatory Message from me.

I was not surprised at all when I heard that you are now the National President of the Mopa Welfare Society a top ranking body consisting of who is who in the in the country and diaspora.

When I reflected back at our discussions after high school graduation I observed how cerebral and balanced you were especially on topical issues and how vast are you.

Today am happy to see some of my dreams regarding our set coming true,although many yet to manifest but we wait for the manifestations of God promises over us.

My prayer is to wish u the very best and count on my support always.

Dr Agbana Busayo
Provost College of Health Sciences
Senior Lecturer/Consultant Physician
Kogi State University

We discussed later and he promised to organize a medical outreach to mark my one year in office to treat the elderly people free of charge. That is Busayo, but now he is gone, that promise cannot be fulfilled anymore.

I don’t want to mention the area of admission, professional assistance, financial aid to so many of our people particularly the young ones.

In conclusion, it was George Elliot that once said, “Our dead are not dead to us, until we have forgotten them”, this is one death that we cannot forget. So, on behalf of the entire Mopa people, ECWA Secondary school particularly the 1994 set, the defunct Mopa United Football club where Busayo was a goal keeper when I was team captain, I want to express our deepest condolences to the entire Agbana family. This news is a devastating one. To Segun and my very dear Femi in particular, may the Lord make your hands very strong than ever before.

If I don’t engage my pen to free my spirit tonight, I will not be able to sleep. Adieu Dr. Emmanuel Busayo Agbana.

Good night my friend.

– Elere Samuel Bolorunduro, National President Mopa Welfare Society.

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