Engr Oguche Joan Appointed 2nd Chairman APWEN, Kogi State Chapter

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The association of professional women engineers of Nigeria, a non-profit non-governmental educational service organization and a division of Nigeria Society of Engineers, has recently inaugurated Mrs Oguche Joan as her second chairman.

The event which was held at the NIWA conference hall in Lokoja covered the investiture, inauguration and award presentation to deserving women who are making positive impact in the society at large.

The event featured lecture, entertainment from the Nigerian art and culture, and presentation of gifts to winners of the 2021 APWEN inter school quiz competition.

Present at the occasion was the Ohimege of Koton Karfe, who appreciated everyone present and also expressed joy at the efforts of the women in making Kogi state and Nigeria a better place to live in and hoped to see better results in activities with the involvement of women.

In a lecture delivered at the event by Dr. Mrs Animokun Elizabeth, titled ‘Women in Technology as Catalyst for National Development’, saw women as a fundamental human reservoir of every society and culture, hence the slogan no women no nation.

The Investiture exercise was carried out by Engr. Margret Ojo, the immediate past Chairman of APWEN Kogi chapter, who briefly gave an insight into the birth of the APWEN alongside the aim which was to encourage the girl child. As well as the golden motto to encourage, enhance and excel. She administered the oath of office to Engr. Oguche Joan.

In her speech, Joan Oguche thanked everyone who took out time to grace the event and promised to make APWEN and the engineering profession as a whole proud. She then carried out the inauguration of new executives who will be working with her.

Awardees at the event included Mrs Ejura Mercy Onoja, the wife of the Deputy Governor of Kogi state; Hajiya Aisha Ali Ibrahim, Hadiza Kashim Ali, Barr. Ladi Ahmed Jatto, Mrs. Precious Onyemari and Mrs Funke Eseyin.

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