Nigeria; The Beautiful Ones and a Rigid Structure

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When I was much younger, I thought that becoming the president would give me the very much needed leverage to effect a real change. So, whenever I hear about bad leadership, I am moved to shed tears. Times have passed and I too have had the opportunity to preside over smaller groups. In as much as I strongly desire to go clean, I have met many great brick walls even from the least expected places and persons. The Nigerian factor doesn’t allow for a jolly smooth ride. In a short while I want to briefly delve into some unsaid reasons why we keep getting bad leaders in Nigeria. The objective is to subtly tell us about how we have unconsciously become a part of a system that thrives on absolute corruption.

Classroom Scenario: It was during my third year as an undergrad. I had this very close friend who always aided me with stuffs such as food and a bit of cash. We were really cool. I must have considered him an angel from heaven because he was always saving me from great mess. Unfortunately, he had deficiencies in the area of academics. Soon, the second semester exams came and he suggested we stay close. It wasn’t a big deal. However, during the examination he begged me to let him copy my worksheet word for word. Even though I detested exam malpractice, I had to salvage my friendship by giving into his demands. That act birthed a realm which made me to consider examination malpractice a norm. You see, I still read my books but more persons saw through my weakness and decided to exploit me.

Workplace Scenario: I detested the Nigeria police force due to the many shameful act they’ve…If I get a chance to serve under the government, “I promise to stand by the truth” I used to say. I meant every word I said back then. However, the very first time I was handed an opportunity to work temporarily for a government agency, I saw corruption in crude form. In my office, I had a boss whom I considered fatherly. He was always encouraging us never to give up. One day, a client came around with a fine business prospect. He was in dire need of a loan from the government. However, there was only one stumbling block. The Bank of Industry needed him to show records of his past financial transaction. He had none. I thought my boss would talk him out of it but to my surprise, he told that client to go the bank, meet with the bank manager and ask him to forge a record. Actually, that tricked eventually worked. Two weeks later, I saw that client again. This time around, he and some of his collection of sexy looking girls were been chauffeured into a club for some real fun.

Family Scenario: Coming from a poor home often times forces a young man to take whatever option available irrespective. Ade was smart and had a promising future. But smartness doesn’t guaranty financial security. Ade badly wanted a way out of poverty. One day, a friend told him about marketing goods. He loved the idea of earning and so gave it a try. It was a legitimate business. Like they always would say ” If you are the only rich man in your family, you are still poor”. The demands on Ade kept climbing. In order to keep up with status, Ade decided to cut corners. It wasn’t long before poverty forced him to compromise standards.

Political leaders with good intentions go through a lot. Sometimes, they have genuine desire to effect change but the existing structures considers a decent folk stupid. No one loves to be thought of as being stupid. If we are allowed the opportunity to see the many absurd demands made to political leaders by market leaders, god fathers, religious houses, family members etc, then we will understand why we have had no true leadership to so many years.

What then is my take? The Nigeria of today requires threading carefully. There are those who have dared to stand by the truth regardless. However, truth is bitter. When people hand over bribes to me, I take it and just put it right back into where it came from. I don’t fight an army of corruption, because the beautiful ones are yet to be born. Even as we wait for the beautiful ones to be born, this is my honest opinion.

– Olayinka Kayode Kingsley

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