It is glaring that government alone can’t provide the needed jobs for graduates of the over populated unemployment market in Nigeria. Many youths after leaving the University for years, still move around with their CVs hoping for jobs in the civil service. This must end with 2020.
The beginning of CT-TAXI was uneven, very discouraging and with obvious threats on the lane. One year down the line, we have achieved many feats, failed at times but we keep pushing.
In one year, 70% of our drivers (partners) are University graduates, 60% of our dispatch riders are graduates too. While 90% of our investors are civil servants.
In our review for the year ended [2020], an average graduate makes between 5-10k daily. You will now ask yourself, as a civil servant, how much is your take home in a day? Now to 2021!
Maybe you should take a decision of training in a driving school, get your needed licenses and permit and get yourself a job. Government may not and can’t even help you in 2021 still. You need to help yourself rather than waiting on the promises that will never come.
At City Track Technologies, we have employed many. We have taken many out of the pains of wandering. We are still in the business of moving many out of the labour market as God’s keep us alive. Will you not decide on what to do with your life in 2021?
Dear young people, the younger men we have on our platform are handsome and morally balanced than you may think. Dust off yourself, take the bold step. Ladies are the most admired drivers you may think of. Young ladies should take a shot at this industry and explore.
We have chosen the aspect that concerns the movement of humans, goods and services. This, to us is the most important aspect of human existence.
To those who were part of us from the beginning, we say ‘Thank you’. To our investors who trusted the face behind CT-GROUP even when you don’t even understand our vision clearly, we are nothing without you.
Dear 2021! We are ready, with God on our side, we will move into places and launch new businesses.
– Johnson Musa.