A Letter to Usman Okai Austin CNA

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Dear Usman Okai Austin CNA,

It is on record that a sneeze would have ended the life of Martin Luther King Jr, one of the greatest fighter of freedom the world has ever known, when he was stabbed in the chest in 1958, a mission (if accomplished) would have completely landed the entire black community in the United States of America to the will and bondage of the white majorities.

Similarly, a sneeze in your activism in Kogi politics will be a disaster. Such development will render the entire state hopeless, amidst the aggressive tyrannical tendencies glaringly sphering our political corridor.

During an administration marred with addiction to looting, excessive use of political powers and misappropriation of public funds, you pitched tent against administrative ineptitude, even when your life was repeatedly threatened, drawing the attention of Kogi state government to striking issues confronting our horde appears to be the most perilous, you did this everyday without considering whose ox is gored.

When I wrote a piece a couple of months ago, underscoring your “digitally referenced consistency” in Kogi politics, I do so with facts and figures that sank into the minds of thousand inhabitants of the state. Diverse opinion from political watchers equally attested to your precision, tenacity and enthusiasm as it relates to service delivery in Kogi politics.

It is on record, your ruthless and jagged way of daring to tell truth to powers made you a nightmare to the incumbent government [state/national]. Now, they either need you in their camp or want you out of coverage ahead of the 2023 election tussles. They even went as far as cooking up fake stories of your defection to the All Progressive Congress. It is just a spark of many fake stories aimed at tarnishing the good name you earned yourself as we submit towards the next phase of our political history.

I have no spark of skepticism in the narrative you’re shaping, though the terrain is rugged and or rough. But there’s always light at the end of a tunnel.

In recent times, you aggressively stepped up your game, now they’re jittery, casting baseless aspersions. The name Austin Okai often cause glitches in their camp. We are very much aware of this, hence the recent impersonation allegations weakly and ignorantly levelled against you.

You may have been troubled countless times beyond words within the space of five years, it is enough reason to give up, considering the perplexity of our political dispensation and how politicians erroneously use powers, yet you stood your ground. Please don’t relinquish the momentum, a tilt in your voyage is disaster in Kogi state.

– Samuel Mona Endurance wrote from Abuja.

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