#EndSARS Protest: There is Too Much Extortion on Our Roads

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The ongoing protest by Nigerians that started with #EndSARS is a testimony of how frustrated we are  as a people in the hands of those paid to protect our lives and properties especially the Nigerian police which is the closest security agency to the people.

The police should ordinarily be our friend but an average Nigerian is afraid of the police not because he has committed any crime but due to horrible experiences/encounters with the police whether directly or indirectly which have created a very negative impression about the entire police system in Nigeria. Most Nigerians have been taught by experience or otherwise that once you approach the police whether as informant/complainant or suspect, you must part with some money.

The sarcastic labels on the walls of most police outfits that “bail is free” is one of the greatest lies of the century that even the devil himself can not win a gold medal against the scribes of such deceptive caption. As against the constitutional provision in section 35 (5) of our 1999 Constitution which presumes every person charged with a criminal offence innocent until he is proven guilty, once you are brought before the police, you are presumed guilty until you prove your innocence with your money or in the court if at all you are charged you will be taken to the court! That is why there is a lot of violations of human rights especially torture in most of our police stations.

Our roads are clustered with police checks most of the time without police van. A case of Anyigba – Dekina – Sheria road in Kogi State is a good example of where you have more than eight road blocks by the police mostly on the market days . Despite the very poor condition of these roads, the police still extort motorists on daily basis. Even on Oguma – Sheria road (also in Kogi State), which is worst than the read to Golgotha, the police shamelessly extort money from motorists crossing the wooden bridge constructed by the community. It should be noted that the most exploited are the unemployed youths who are working hard to survive and their extortioners are gainfully employed.

This has created mistrust between the police and the citizens whose lives and properties they are supposed to protect. Consequently, the people are also scared of giving the police useful information that is vital in preventing/tackling criminality in our society.

The cost of transportation is on the high side because the road users usually charge higher as they will categorically tell you “…if I settle the police how much will remain for me…? This equally has negative effects on the cost of goods ie  food stuff.

The number of road blocks should be reduced if not totally banned. Police officers on our roads should stop extortion of money from motorists to avoid incurring curses on themselves and their children from the masses. Some of the heads may not be aware of how bad some officers within their command  have damaged and still damaging the entire image of the Nigeria Police Force. To this extent, it is my humble recommendation that heads of police units and stations should closely monitor the activities of the officers in their commands  and those who are complacent should be held accountable.

Now is the time to reduce/stop police brutality and extortion on our roads by joining the protest against extortion, intimidation, brutality and other acts of criminality by those who are paid to enforce the law.

May God bless Nigeria!

– Jonah Gwatana, Esq.
Email: couragenurse@gmail.com

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