Asuku Bello Congratulates Gov Bello, Onoja, Calls for More Cooperation

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The lawmaker representing Adavi/Okehi Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives, Hon. Joseph Asuku Bello, has congratulated Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello and Chief Edward David Onoja on their inauguration as the Executive Governor and Deputy Governor of Kogi State for a second term in office.

In a statement signed by his Special Assistant on Media Affairs, Jamiu Habeeb, the Federal lawmaker said “seventy days after winning the last gubernatorial election in Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello and Chief Edward Onoja has been inaugurated to continue their good work for the people of Kogi state.”

Rep. Asuku Bello described Governor Yahaya Bello and Chief Edward Onoja’s mandate as a victory for prosperity. He added that their victory at the polls symbolize freedom of decision making putting aside religious and tribal sentiments.

“I am optimistic that Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello will reinforce old alliances and form new ones to continually unite the people of the state, and positively work for the advancement and development of the state.

“Having witnessed an all-inclusive government in his first term, I still implore His Excellency, Alhaji Adoza Bello to continue to run an all-inclusive government by taking into cognizance all shades of opinion and interests needed to develop the state,” he said.

While commending the people’s support, he tasks the citizens for more cooperation and support in the coming days.

Speaking further, Hon. Asuku applauded Governor Bello for his laudable achievements during his first term in office, he urged the next administrative team to consolidate on the achievements and outrightly discharge their responsibilities in doing more. 

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