Kogi Guber Race: Stop the Ethnic Proclivity Now

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If your political activism is essentially to project contestants from your ethnic extractions, then you are a disappointment to humanity and your acclaimed vigorous social actions are useless.

Some of us have been very unequivocal in raising our voices against the government over certain obvious actions and inactions not in tandem with the wishes of the people without haven to think about racial affinity or tribal proclivity.

To now sit in your amiss preconditioned subconscious state which cannot survive beyond social media and think of adopting ethnic sentiment as the best strategy to satisfy your daffy ego is an insult on the collective sensibilities of all genuine agitators for good governance and lacking a spark of decency.

As the electioneering begins in earnest, if the tribal dimension it is assuming in some quarters is not keep at bay for matters of utmost importance, some of us may be compelled to call the bluff and decide “to your tent oh Israel” because everyone knows the closest path to his root.

– Adejoro Cornelius Onimisi

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