Opinion: Senator Aidoko’s Thrilling Hypocrisy

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Thanks to the almighty God I am vindicated, at last Kogites can understand the knavery behind Senator Atai Aidoko’s holistic impetus and gargantuan transformation jingles. That for some elements in leadership positions the patrimony of words and action blossom only when personal concerns are in fora.
As substantiated by his media watchdog, Aidoko actually hoard items like motorcycles, tricycles, generators, dryers etc ahead of 2019.
His words; “Let me also correct the misconceptions that empowerment items like tricycles, motorcycles, generators, dryers and other equipment are not stocked in the Senators house for 2019 campaigns. These items are meant for the electorates empowerment and engagements, as soon as plans for its distribution and commissioning are concluded. So, the erroneous impression was misplaced.”
No wonder, stakeholders are currently been set off in trepidation for possible vote-buying in the next election. But it would be tangential to further conceal the distribution date if the electioneering values must be maintained, besides, every genuine thinker knows those items are just lying-in-wait for November when campaigns shall commence.
Let it be registered that Aidoko and his handlers are out again with luciferous antics napped in empowerment to swap Kogi eastern legislative futures, and when this antics is truncated they resorts into legal squabbles. So it’s better for the rain-maker not to allow the forming cloud rather than preventing the rain with a storm that can whirl the entire household.
In a divvy judgement, the writer myopically articulated his write up as antidotes for possible intra-party crisis. I guessed ‘political party’ have been ideally misconstrued going by it’s primary intents. In 1787, Hamilton and other leaders in the United States of America formed a federalist party because they believed in capital and industry as the basis for a healthy republic hence, wanted power concentrated in the central government so as to spearhead the minor industries effectively. But in 1796, Jefferson’s anti federalist otherwise known as Democratic-Republican emerged. It comprised of farmers, planters and artisan who were of the opinion that more power be deregulated from the central government to state and local government.
Justifiably, one thing is crystal clear; harnessing and harmonizing technocratic perspectives on ‘political power’ so as to acquaint with U.S socio-economic necessities. Therefore, Aidoko needs to tender unreserved apologies to the People’s Democratic Party which exists and have reformed to run a transparent and accountable government, for under serving the people and using perceived legal avenue to hold common will and aspirations to ransom.
Come to think of it, how can the writer assumed that senator Aidoko’s Ascension was proclaimed by the court having met due criterion beyond doubt? Does he (Aidoko) even recognize the supremacy of the law in which he sought his mandate? Of course no! Because if he does, he would have abide by the court rulings on Monday 18th December 2017 and Wednesday 13th June 2018 which continually declared him unqualified to represent Kogi Easterners at the 8th assembly.
The writer also rejoined conspicuously that distinguished Senator Aidoko has so far sponsored six bills to his credit and the latest one was the killing of a female youth corps member in Abuja. At least the calumnious campaign is obvious here, Aidoko ignored the horrendous killings by Herdsmen in Oganenigu and Omala L.G.A which was the real peck in his eyes to solicit government’s intervention on the killing of just a corps member. Alas, the legislative incompetencies of some of Nigeria Legislatures defecates a serious intellectuality check as pre-requisites critical to subsequent emergence of political office holders.
Apparently, Aidoko should have topped the list of the senators in the apologetic spree, owing to the high degree of malfeasance in his government. He should firstly apologize to the People’s Democratic Party (Kogi east), for living far below expectations, then to his  constituency for legal twists and finally, to the good people of Ugbamaka Igah who are cracking the hard nut of reconciling with betrayal.
It’s appalling that people sneaks behind Democratic prospects to slaughter justice on the alter of mischief. How can we be so daft that an imprecise, cooked media branded project implementation could hold the minds to ransom?
For umpteenth time, there had been blabs on Aidoko’s fruition in terms of social and economic infrastructures. Some x-rayed it from inception while others tagged it as sixteen months’ achievement. I want to redress the misconstrued parlance base on my findings as a bonafide son of the soil.
On the 26 of March 2018, an article that highlighted Aidoko’s achievement from inception was published in Kogireports.com by Sule Isa Kpaleko. Emphatically, it enshrined the rural electrification project from Ikeje to Ugbamaka Igah. Few days ago another e-minion of his (Aidoko) published yet an article detailing his achievement in the last sixteen months’ in the same online publisher (kogireports.com).
As usual Ugbamaka Igah was not exempted from the phoney projects. But I made it clear in my last write up that Ikeje was electrified by the famous philanthropist Suleiman Babanawa few years before Aidoko heaved to the gate of power.
Moreover, the scandalous electrification projects indicated an ongoing 66KVA power transmission from Onitsha Igo junction to Ugbamaka (the same Ugbamaka that was electrified few years ago). Anyone without a questionable intelligence quotient can attest to the highly pragmatic deceit been displayed. I can confide that communities like Ubalu and Inele Ugo located along the high way were electrified way back to 2005/2016.
Despite the epileptic power supply in Idah, Ankpa, Imane and others, various roads around Ayingba and it’s environ that have been destroyed by erosion, roofless classrooms in our various Institutions and  the rising but ridiculous Okada jobs in Ibaji, Igalamela, Itobe and others, our distinguished Senator Aidoko flaunt and poke-noses himself in the vicinity of senators with staunch Legislative/developmental outputs in their constituencies. The writer outrightly posited development as a ‘continuous’ process but selfishly ignored inputs as features that characterizes development as a continuous process, he propounded next election as needless over social safety nets to the people.
I think time shall tell if this judgement connotes some cunning strategies to lure the masses into business as usual or not.
Be that as it may, it would be justice right if senator Aidoko can provide answer to the following questions
1- Publish the names of those in his scholarship roster
2- Publish the name of contractors that handled the rural electrification projects from Ikeje to Ugbamaka and Onitsha Igoh junction to Ugbamaka respectively.
3- Write the  public on the concept; supremacy of the law prior to the boycotted court rulings.
4- Publish the names of Ugbamaka’s sons and daughters he has helped either in employment or empowerment.
I have said it earlier and will say it again, Aidoko is not familiar with the saying that charity begins at home. At least
the self acclaimed endorsement by communities around Ankpa and Imane should have had Ugbamaka Igah as number one base on the fact that he hails from that community. But behold, reverse is the case as the people gnashes their teeth in anguish counting their loses.
Whoever that still expects anything meaningful from Aidoko and co would have to diagnose psychological depression as our distinguished Senator is not in a hurry to put aside personal concerns inscribed with acquiring wealth/ostentation. Currently, a car and the sum of two million Naira is been distributed to PDP delegates in each of the nine L.G.A as part of the effort by egotistical and desperate but inconsequential power seekers to woo voters in the forthcoming general election. But we shall not relent in exposing the barbaric acts with hope that everyone would bear in mind the future which is sin-qua-non to the political steps we must take now.
In finality, it’s baseless, laughable and puerile to think that one is been paid to write despite the obvious deplorable state of the land. I am not deterred because my conscience is priceless, but the babblers and prattler who have sold the space of morality from their heart by stopping low for crumbs of comfort should do themselves a favor, by preparing their mind to join the agents of doom (the pay masters) whom our messages shall send to the pit of hell.
I just hope that Aidoko’s case would not be compared to that of a man whom frustration forced into selling his only asset in Abuja, after been misled that he will win election in Kogi state.
I rest my case.
God Bless our Land.
– John Paul

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