Recall: Has Things Gotten This Bad in Okun Land?

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It is an open secret that the silence of Okun Elders in the prevailing Senator Dino Melaye maltreatment in the hands of Nigerian Police Force is a product of their selfishness and unwarranted loyalty to the powers above. This is not only an insult to the entire people of Kogi State or Okun in particular but a rape on Nigerian democracy.
As humans, we all have our shortcomings regardless of how powerful one is on earth and no matter how much of perceived misgivings that Senator Dino Melaye is guilty of, this is an opportunity for the entire people of Kogi West and Okun Land in particular to ascertain the level at which their hatred for one another has gotten to.
It is totally unimaginable that the once glorious Okun Land has become a shadow of itself owing to the lack of sense of purpose of the custodians of our traditional institutions. The current situation at hand is not only embarrassing but am afraid,  it is a testimony to the effect that an average Okun Man lacks good sense of truth and consistency. We don’t even need to count the glories that Senator Dino Melaye has brought to Okun Land through purposeful Projects, the good image making that he has brought to us is enough to guarantee our total solidarity for him at this point of his trial.
It should be noted that, if we continue to play politics with everything, soon everything will become politics even our fundamental human rights.
– Abdulslimzy Maiyaki 

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