Motions and Bills Presented by Hon. Lawal Idirisu on the Floor of House of Representatives

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Bills And Motions Presented On The Floor Of The House Of Representatives By Hon. Lawal Muhammadu Idirisu, Member Representing Ajaokuta Federal Constituency (2015 – 2017)

Call For The Rehabilitation Of The Lokoja-Osara-Itakpe-Okene Road Motion 2015
Motion On The Need For Policemen On Highway Patrols To Compulsorily Put On Full Uniforms And Properly Number Their Patrol Vehicles For The Purposes Of Identification And Curbing The Misuse Of Firearms


Motion 2016
Motion On The Need For The Federal Government To Rehabilitate The Itobe – Ofunene – Ajaokuta – Okene Road.


Motion 2016
Motion On The Urgent Need To Stop The Abuse Of Tramol, Tutolin And Benylin/Codeine Cough Syrup By The Youth


Motion 2016
Motion On The Need For The Federal Government To Address The Rising Cases Of Accidental Electrocution Of Innocent Citizens In Different Parts Of Nigeria


Motion 2016
Motion On The Need For The Re-Activation, Completion, Commisioning And Operation Of Ajaokuta Steel Plant By The Federal Government Motion 2016
Motion On The Need To Create Accessible Sidewalk And Convenience For The Physically Challenged (Wheel Chair Bound) Individuals In Public Buildings Motion 2016
Motion On The Need To Build Fences Around Electricity Transformers Installed In Nigerian Cities, Towns And Villages


Motion 2016
Motion On The Need For The Translation Of The 1999 Constitution Into Yoruba, Hausa And Igbo Languages And Making It Compulsory In The Basic School Curriculum


Motion 2016
A Billforan Act To Provide For The Establishment Of The National Commission For Colleges Of Agriculture And Other Matters Connected Therewith


Bill 2016
Motion On The Need For The Government To Address The High Rate Of Stillbirths Recorded Annually Among Nigerian Women


Motion 2016
Motion On The Need To Revive The Metallurgical Training Centre, Ajaokuta


Motion 2016
Motion On The Need To Improve The Efficiency Of The Fire Service In Nigeria Motion 2016
Motion On The Need For The Federal Government To Address The Congestion In Nigerian Prisons


Motion 2017
Motion On The Need By The Federal Government  To Consider The Original Builders Of Ajaokuta Steel Plant In Proposed Negotiations With Investors For The Completion, Reactivation And Operation Of Ajaokuta Steel Project.


Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Suspend The Proposed Sale Of Ajaokuta Steel Plant.


Motion 2017
Motion On The Need For The Federal Government To Address The Alarming Rate Of Cancer Death In Nigeria Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Improve The Health Care System In Ingeria By The Federal Government Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Commence Mining Operations At The Itakpe Iron Ore Mining Site Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Address The Influx Of Fake Products Into Nigerian Market


Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Rehabilitate The Abandoned Buildings Belonging To The Federal Government In Lagos


Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Address The Low Level Consumption Of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) In Nigeria


Motion 2017
A Bill For An Act To Provide For The Inclusion Of Fire Safety Education In School Curriculum And Other Matters Connected Therewith Bill 2017
A Bill For An Act To Provide For Instalmental Payment Of Tuition Feed And Other Levies By Students In Federal Government Owned Educational Institutions And Other Matters Connected Therewith Bill 2017
A Bill For An Act To Amend The Freedom Of Information Act 2011 Laws Of The Federation Of Nigeria To Provide Punishment For Non-Compliance With Section 29 Of The Act And Other Matters Related Thereto Bill 2017
Motion On The Need To Improve The Healthcare System In Nigeria Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Address The Menace Of Land Grabbers In Nigeria Motion 2017
Motion On The Need To Address Illegal Mining Activities In Nigeria Motion 2017
A Bill For An Act To Repeal The Statutory Corporations (Modifications, Etc) Act Cap. S 12 Laws Of The Federation Of Nigeria, 2004; And For Related Matters Bill 2017
Call On The Federal Government To Consider The Original Builders Of Ajaokuta Steel Plant In The Proposed Negotiations For The Completion, Reactivation And Operation Of The Project


Motion 2017
Motion On The Urgent Need To Revive The Education System To Enhance Sustainable Development In Nigeria





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