Hon Rabiu is a Political Thermostat and Very Good for Conflict Resolution – Comrade Nasir

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Not even the devil will deny the fact that Hon Rabiu Isiaka Alfa is one of the few individuals of modern generation that operate and act without caution yet, always on track. If I was to count the negative testimonies of this rare political asset cum blunt truth teller, I will only say he is hot tempered. Not because he has displayed thus before me but because that is the only ill story I have heard about him.

However, contrary to as supposed of anybody with hot temper, Hon Rabiu will hardly maintains to be right on an issue. Instead, he uses and makes consultation his actions guideline. Hence, his temperament is for matters variance and not provocation. He listens like a lamb, hears like a mother, defends like a guardian and resists oppression like a warrior. Going by this premise, I will rather say “Hon Rabiu is a political thermostat and very good for conflict resolution”.

The young honorable is so keen to services that his likeness lacks a second in contemporary politics. He is up and doing as his physical strides in the area of human development, youth empowerment, infrastructure and sense of humor has remained unrivaled in the history of Ojoku/Enjema state representation. And a week shall not pass except that he visits, sees and hear from the people he represents.

How far Hon Rabiu Mommoh Alfa will go is a matter of his resolution rather than possibility. He has paid his price in earnest, crested his name in the hearts of men and established legacies that will stand for him in post generations. Truly and really, his leadership styles are designated with requisite know how. Hence, calls for emulation. Bless up “Oma Baba Wali!

God Bless Ankpa LGA

God Bless Kogi State of Nigeria

– Comrade A. M. Nasir

You can follow me on twitter via @amnasiru

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