Letter: The Achievements of The Present Kogi State Government, Obstacles And The Way Forward

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His Excellency Yahaya Adoza Bello,

The Executive Governor of Kogi State,

Kogi State Lugard House,





The Achievements of The Present Kogi State Government, Obstacles And The Way Forward

The above named forum after liaison with her coordinators in 21 local government areas of the state to appraise the achievement of your administration which is in line with our aims and objectives. Particularly, in  ensuring the  enthronement of good governance towards bringing about better kogi state which we believe will be achieve within a short period of time. Considering, your high sense of humility, your doggedness in fighting corruption in the state and exceptional leadership quality.


It is on this premise that the forum in her meeting held on the 27th day of December, 2016, deliberated extensively on the achievements of your administration so far and the possible barriers that may militate against the growth and development of the state, and to provide possible recommendations to those factors that may hinder your concerted efforts in the development of the state.


The forum appreciates you after taking cognisance of your numerous achievements in different areas that are praiseworthy. Particularly, in the areas of :

  1. Recent filtration of ghost workers from genuine ones which has helped in saving revenue to the state and also creating employment opportunities for the teaming youths in the state.
  2. Continuation of previous abandoned projects by your administration and recent award of the constructions/rehabilitation of Lokoja township roads and other roads within the state, which obviously will ease the transportation of agricultural product to urban center.
  • Your resolution to give audience to kogites through the media so as to get those challenges facing the state . It shows high level of sincerity of the government and has also helped the good people of Kogi State to develop confidence in your administration.
  1. The construction of revenue house to boost the internally generated revenue in the state so as to reduce the over dependency on the Federal Allocations.
  2. The Provision of vehicles and improvement in the welfare of the security agencies in the state which has gone a long way in averting crime and decrease in high rate of kidnapping and robbery which was at alarming rate .Due to these, lives and properties of the people are now safe guarded.
  3. Youths empowerment and job creation; especially, your recent employment at the Internal Revenue service and also provision of motor cycles to the unemployed youths in the state. This will help in the reduction of idle citizens as idleness may lead to crime.

After appreciating your achievements as highlighted above, the forum will equally, as an Oliver twist will be demanding Your Excellency sir, to critically look into those areas that needs urgent attention so as to compliment your efforts in achieving both human and physical development in the state. These are:

  1. 1. Unification of Kogites irrespective of their tribes, religions, political parties and the likes, in order to achieve a dreamed Kogi as well as working towards a new direction . In achieving this, there is need for unity government which of course will bring about unity of mind and purposes.
  2. The cabinet members should be restricted to their various offices to encourage smooth and effective running of your administration.
  3. In line with your executive council resolution in respect to the continuity in construction of Ganaja-otokiti road, the forum is also reemphasising on your urgent attention on the construction of the road, as that will assist in decongesting the metropolitan road network and also help in expanding the city. Nevertheless, that would help in creation of satellite city within the area where the road may pass.
  4. The forum appreciates your efforts in the area of removing petty traders along Ganaja Junction ,Phase I and the likes, and also appeal for provisions of mini markets in areas like Ganaja village ,Lokogoma Phase II and Felele in order to absorb those petty traders and also create easy access to the market for those residing in such areas.
  5. The forum is also requesting for further extensions of water supply within Lokoja metropolis and its environ, as a way of making life easy for the dwellers.

Finally sir, haven recognised your sincererity in the recent verification and screening exercise which has fetched out the ghost workers in the state. We equally, want to urge you to see into complains of some genuine workers who are yet to receive their respective salaries.


Sir, as we are anticipating for your good cooperation  ,we are equally, congratulating you for your victories in wiping out the kidnappers, and ghost workers in the state  and also wishing you wonderful one year anniversary of your administration. And be rest assured that KOGI STATE CONCERNED YOUTH FORUM is solidly behind you.


Thank you and God bless you.





Yours faithfully,

Yakubu Suleiman                                                                                                    Murtala Ibrahim

President                                                                                                                       Secretary


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