66 Achievements in 32 Months of Dr. Salisu Ogbo Usman as Rector, Kogi State Polytechnic, at a Glance

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1. Construction of a storey-building for Academic and Administrative purposes (Tetfund sponsored – completed and occupied);

2. Construction of a storey-building containing Offices, Studios and Exhibition Halls for the School of Art, Design and Printing (Tetfund sponsored  – completed and occupied);

3. Construction of a storey-building containing Classrooms, Studios and Offices for the School of Environmental Technology (Tetfund sponsored  – completed and occupied);

4. Construction of a storey-building containing Laboratory, Workshop and Offices for the School of Applied Sciences (Tetfund sponsored- completed and occupied);

5. Construction of a 200-Seat Capacity Twin Lecture Theatre (Tetfund sponsored- completed and occupied);

6. Construction of a storey-building for the School of Sciences containing Classrooms, Offices and Laboratories at Osara (Tetfund sponsored  – Donated to CUSTECH);

7. Construction of a storey-building as Computer-Based Test Centre Extension (Tetfund sponsored at 85% completion);

8. Building of a Model Security House as a replacement for the inherited 3-room cubicle (Sponsored from IGR and donations – Completed and occupied);

9. Remodeling and reconstruction of the Old Library Complex to a 30-bed Medical Centre as a replacement for a 3-bed sick bay inherited (IGR sponsored – Completed and occupied);

10. Complete renovation and maintenance of Lecture Theatre A & B (IGR sponsored);

11. Construction of drainage for erosion control and pedestal walkway for traffic control around admission block on the main campus (IGR sponsored  – Completed and in use);

12. Landscaping and campus beautification tagged ‘Operation Clean and Green’ (IGR sponsored  – Ongoing projects);

13.  A storey-building for Workshop, Offices and Tractor Implement for the newly established School of Agricultural Technology (Tetfund sponsored – Just awarded and at 35% completion);

14.  Perimeter fencing of the female Hostel (IGR sponsored – Completed and in use);

15. Reconstruction and remodeling of the 1000 seat capacity lecture theater that was abandoned since 2012 (Tetfund sponsored  – Just awarded at 45% completion); 

16. Construction and furnishing of Tractor and Implement Workshop for the School of Agricultural Technology, Itakpe (Tetfund sponsored – Just awarded at 35% completion);

17. Comprehensive renovation of the students’ hostels stalled since 2016  and the return of the students to the hostel after over five (5) years of off- campus residency (Sponsored via Loan Facilities on the basis of PPP 80% repaid);

18. Award of Contract for the complete fencing of the Itakpe Campus against intruders and land grabbers.

19. Floor overlay and complete renovation of the 500 Seat Capacity Lecture Theatre (IGR Sponsored – completed and in use)

20. Complete renovation of the vandalised storey-building for the Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) Laboratory (IGR Sponsored  – Completed and In use).


21. Establishment of the Legal Unit (First in the history of the Institution);

22. Establishment of Directorate of Sports (First in the history of the institution);

23. Establishment of Directorate of Advancement, Support and Linkages (First in  the history of the institution);

24. Establishment of Directorate of SERVICOM (First in the history of the  institution);

25. Establishment of Directorate of Information Technology and Resource Centre  (First in the history of the institution);

26. Upgrading of Entrepreneurship Development Centre to a full Directorate;

27. Establishment of the Directorate of Research and Innovation (First in the  history of the institution);

28. Courageous and audacious zero tolerance for unethical/sharp practices such as extortion and imposition of  textbooks on students, among others;

29. Frontal tackling of cultism, examination misconduct, indiscipline and other  social vices;

30. Reorganization and repositioning of the Public Relations and Protocol Unit for  effective service delivery;

31. Courageous ejection of the Zango market operators and their menacing  activities in collaboration with land grabbers from the front of the ltakpe  Campus;

32. Production of maiden edition of the Annual Report;

33. Review of Schemes and Conditions of Service for the staff (ongoing);

34. Restoration of discipline and job ethics amongst staff

35. Comprehensive staff  record update exercise for clean and digital record against the manual and perennial conflicting record between the nominal and payroll;


36. Successful re-accreditation of 30 Programmes with full accreditation status by  the National Board for Technical Education (The first in the history of the  Institution);

37. Establishment of the School of Agricultural Technology at Itakpe with four (4)  Academic Departments: Agricultural Technology, Animal Health and  Production Technology, Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Technology,  and Horticulture and Landscape Technology;

38. Setting up of Central Students Disciplinary Committee;

39. Setting up of Central Examination Misconduct Committee;

40. Setting up of Academic Board Results Verification Committee as a prelude to  the Academic Board meeting for proper scrutiny and cost effectiveness;

41. Introduction of Computer Based Test (CBT) for the conduct of the General  Studies examination to cub unethical practices and ensure prompt release of results;

42. Provision of new statement of result template with additional security features  against falsification;

43. E-Results computation and display of semester results online for students (First in the history of the institution);

44. Furnishing and provision of adequate up-to-date textbooks, Journals and e – library components at the Polytechnic Library; 

45. Establishment of Mass Communication Department;

46. Establishment of the Department of Humanity and Social Sciences and the overall reorganization of the School of General Studies; 

47. Follow up and eventual signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) for collaboration and smooth take off of the Departments of Aerospace Engineering Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Technology at the School of Engineering, Itakpe;


48. Payment of inherited allowances to deserving staff;

49. Implementation and cash backing of staff promotion dated back to 2014;

50. Provision of bus to convey staff to the Itakpe Campus (First in history);

51. Provision of palliative transport services for the staff to cushion the effect of  the year 2022 flood in Lokoja;

52. Recruitment of new staff to reduce workload on staff across the Departments;

53. Repositioning and effective take-off of the Polytechnic Staff School after a  long period of ‘motion without movement’;

54. Prompt promotion of the deserving staff;


55. Review of Students’ Information Handbook;

56. Periodic conduct of Students’ Government Election;

57.  Support for the historic completion of the Students’ Union Building after over 

a decade of abandonment;

58. Provision of Two (2) numbers of 1000 capacity storage tanks for reticulation  and water supply on 24 hours basis to the hostels. 


59. Provision of Two (2) Toyota Hilux vehicles; 

60. Provision of a Water Tanker for prompt water supply;

61. Provision of Ambulance bus for prompt medical emergency response.


62. Frontal campaign and security architecture against cultism and cult related  activities as well as other social vices which led to the arrest of suspected  cultist later convicted and sentenced; arrest of illicit drug barons and fake  security personnel with forged identification card, among others;

63. Provision of Security Patrol Vans for Lokoja and Itakpe Campuses;

64. Provision of CCTV camera and communication gadgets for effective  surveillance and communication;

65. Campus illumination and ban on indiscriminate planting of crops that may  constitute security threat;

66. Training and Retraining of the Security operatives and personnel.

It is not a surprise therefore that the Governing Council of Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja presented a plaque and letter of commendation to this reformer and academic enigma. 

The Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) Kogi State Chapter, recognised this administrative wizard as the EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR 2022 for his uncommon records of “REPAIR, REFORM and RESTORE” the lost glory of the Polytechnic.

The Polytechnic will continue to appreciate His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello, the Executive Governor of Kogi State for the all time support particularly, for not interfering in the internal governance of the institution.

Uredo Omale
Head, Public Relations and Protocol Unit,
Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja.

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