An Egyptian philosopher, poet and world citizen, Suzy Kassem once said; “To vastly improve your country and truly make it great, start by choosing a better leader. Do not let the media or the ESTABLISHMENT make you pick from the people they choose, instead, choose from those they do not pick. Choose a leader who will invest in building bridges, not walls. Books, not weapons. Morality, not corruption. Intellectualism and wisdom, not ignorance. Stability, not fear and terror. Peace, not chaos. Love, not hate. Convergence, not segregation. Tolerance, not discrimination. Fairness, not hypocrisy. Substance, not superficiality. Character, not immaturity. Transparency, not secrecy. Justice, not lawlessness. Environmental improvement and preservation, not destruction. Truth, and not lies.”
The quote therein speaks aptly to Kogi East conundrum. Suzy’s impression of ESTABLISHMENT in connection to what currently obtains is inkling to the jilted democratic precepts. There’s seamless acceptability of unhealthy systems instituted by collective undoing. Thus, attempts to set records straight appeared futile. Although it is transgenerational, this piece elucidates significant facts in defiance of such establishment.
Nigeria’s democratic system confers power on three arms of Government namely: the executive, the legislative, and the Judiciary. Each arm is saddled with specific responsibilities and undertaken. However, a slack in an arm undertones the potency of others, and repressively, a clog in the wheel of national progress and unity. But because of time consciousness, this piece defocused discussing the entire arms of government, except the legislative.
From inception of the fourth republic, Kogi East has produced a varying number of intellectuals in the law-making chambers, particularly the senate but Legislative intent is still under-explored, either deliberately or constricted by Suzy’s establishment ideology, it is palpable with inert in the overall system. By default, if the right people were saddled and sound policies were made, insecurity, economic dysfunction, social instability etc would not have prevailed unchecked. It thus beckons to eschew this ‘insufferable establishment’ and look out for the best, certainly, the best is within.
Section 4 (part ll) of the Nigerian constitution enunciates the formation of legislative assembly, its members and functions. It is a bicameral system which comprises two chambers — the upper chamber (senate with 109 members) and the lower chamber (House of representatives with 360 members). It is called the National assembly.
Also, section 4(2) of the constitution states in clear terms the powers of the national assembly. It says; the National assembly shall have power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the federation or any part thereof with respect to any matter included in the exclusive legislative list.
From the thesis above, the primary aim of a Legislator is to make LAW for peace and orderliness of the country. It is further enunciated; power to pass law, establish government’s budget, confirm executive appointments, ratify treaties, investigate the executive branch, impeachment and removal from office members of the executive and Judiciary, redressing constituents’ grievances.
For avoidance of doubt, there is misconception in Legislative duties, such that, the potency of law making (which is cardinal) derails on the altar of hypocrisy, lack of foresight and ideas. Sane to say, the ones made are paltry and devoid of substantial effects. Perhaps, due to Suzy’s establishment creed, the Nigerian National assembly is infiltrated with former governors, stooges and loyalists. In short, it exists at the beck and call of the executive. They mostly do not see anything beyond the stretch of an arm. The sensitivity of legislation which requires intellectuals of proven antecedent and capacity is not their forte. At most, they make laws which act as immunity against justice. Consequently, quests for active efflux of socioeconomic and political activities fade by the day.
In Kogi East for instance, the clause which states; “redressing constituents’ grievances” is unarguably jettisoned. Its effect bears on us by pecuniary inclinations. Candidates are often considered along the fault-lines of religion and ethnicity, story for another day!
For the record, a peaceful and prosperous society is the resultant effect of sound policy. This is salient and must not be traded for the finest of golds. Joseph Bradley was right when he said; “Society cannot exist without law. Law is the bond of every society: that which makes it, that which preserves and keeps it together. It is in fact, the essence of a civil society.”
A society without sound laws guiding it is vulnerable to corruption, killing, Economic woes, nepotism, injustice, unemployment, ethnic and social tension. Absence of good laws corrupts good leadership. Accountability, transparency and equity flourishes on the altar of good laws. Citizens are naturally patriotic if there is strong law in the land. Good laws and its adherence keeps a society head-high, and preserve its territorial integrity among nations. To cap it up, good law births freedom.
Again, the law making chamber is such a sensitive chamber which requires only the savvies shrewd enough to identify cankerworm-tampered economy of Nigeria and proffer solutions. We run a decentralized system in Nigeria, wherein, governments work in clasp to achieve set goals and objectives. Therefore, it is not just about electing people, it is about electing the right people who understand the rubrics of legislation. It is about electing those who know their ounce and are willing to cross the dots of irrelevant politicking to make laws that would strengthen institutions, facilitate Kogi East development prospects and harness underlying potentials for the benefit of all. Legislation is for those who can deliberately trash the age long godfatherism, nepotism and personal inclinations and adopt citizen’s process at all times.
With recourse to democratic practice, Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji fits in this gap. Needless to discuss his academic achievements, corporate antecedents, social charisma and philanthropic styles. His mandate underscores the necessary requisites for a system rooted in equity, transparency and accountability. DVAA is not just an aspirant, he is one with genuine templates for the change we need. Unlike his contemporaries, he knows exactly what is wrong with the system and how to correct the anomalies. As we speak, he is the only candidate who has identified with the people to the detriment of the existing dictatorship.
As one who has undergone several professional studies on policy related courses, economy and management, Dr. Victor Adoji would make a good king on the throne of legislation. He is unbeaten in humanitarian deeds yet sticks to the obligation of non-disclosure as enjoined by the holy book. In this era of aspirant-must-do-all which has compelled contenders and pretenders of election into leveraging humanitarianism as tenets of escapades, DVAA is a hero to the widows, orphans, students etc, yet, he is so silent about it. That is by the way, these days, once an individual is vying for elective office, the first step is throwing money around inducing meddlesome interlopers, sycophants and charlatans who computes their various acts of charity and inducement and in the end, mouth it as antecedents. Once elected, they loot public funds without remorse.
I am yet to see an elected philanthropist who has made a paradigm shift typical of his philanthropic history in Nigeria. But I have seen performers, technocrats and corporate establishment employees turned public servants with zero Philanthropic history. Yet, their giant strides remain a testament of their private-corporate antecedents. Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala (DG World Trade Organization) is a notable figure in this regard. I have seen Professor Charles Soludo during his CBN days. I have seen Professor Zulum, the famous Borno state governor, register his name in the sands of time. Dr. Emmanuel Udom of Akwa-Ibom is currently among 100 emerging world leaders, the least goes on and on.
Analogically, DVAA and personalities above are economists and bankers. But he stands head-high being a fellow and board member, institute of Chartered economists of Nigeria; the only recognized body responsible for certifications of intending members. The above Nigerians have veritable records in the course of their private engagements. Dr. Victor Adoji on the other hand did not run Zenith Bank down. Instead, he brought it from the tedious back seat of the least commercial bank in the country to top-ten most prestigious banks in the world, fifth in Africa and Number one commercial bank in Nigeria. More so, as a corporate communications expert, DVAA effort brought Zenith Bank on the list in London Stock exchange. As consultant, his service did not just resonate a Nigerian state from the abyss of poorest state, it also elevated it to London Stock Exchange and it is on the brink of being the most viable state in Nigeria.
Fellow Kogi Easterners, Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji is not a verbose bragger. He is a silence achiever whose activities distinguish between desperation and genuine intention. Lest I forget, if we continue with extant methods, offices like the local government chairman’s or the ward councilor’s who by default are elected to bring government to the grassroots would have no business being in office. Let us therefore lend credence to the competent and shun the redundant. Kogi East of our dreams is possible with Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji.
– John Paul.