2023 Kogi Gov’ship: Okala’s Gamut of Experience (Part 1)

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In African parlance, it is often said that a child may boast of his many fashionable designer dresses but certainly cannot beat his grandfather to contest on the many numbers of old dresses in his wardrobe. This of course can succinctly be said of a well articulated experienced politician and leading Kogi governorship aspirant, who doubles as the Kogi State Auditor General, Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala.

Prior to his appointment as the Kogi State Auditor General on March 1, 2016, Alhaji Okala has worked in reputable financial institutions like Prudent Bank, Skye Bank, Intercontinental Bank, Access Bank and other private financial institutions. To say the least, he is an expert in human resources and a financial manager par excellence.

A graduate of Accounting from the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Alhaji Okala currently holds a Masters degree in Banking and Finance from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. He is also a fellow chartered accountant conferred on him from the renowned Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) in 2015. In short, he is an embodoment of accounting and auditing profession within and outside Nigeria.

When on March 1, 2916, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello decided to appoint Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala as the Kogi State Auditor General, his positive decision was borne out of the dire need for the young chartered accountant to rejig the state financial sector for optimum performance in enhancing the speedy development of Kogi State.

It is also worthy to note that apart from Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala’s primary assignment as the state Auditor General, His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello also made him a member of the economic team of the state with a mandate to plug up wastages of the state resources, improve revenue generation and enhance meaningful development for the good people of Kogi state.

Today, the landmark achievements of His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello across the state can positively be traced to the input of the state economic team of which Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala is a member.

As the state Auditor General, Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala has no doubt plug up wastages on the state financial resources. As at today the state workers are paid their salaries as at when due without any arrears. His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello in the last seven and half years has also carried out massive infrastructural development across the state due to the positive management of scarce resources in the state by the state economic team he put in place.

It is on record that His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello has been able to construct and equip the world class Okene reference hospital, remodelled the Kogi State Specialist Hospital Lokoja, constructed the Ganaja fly over which is first of its kind in the state, constructed the world class GYB Model Secondary school Adankolo, constructed township roads in Okene, Ankpa, Olamaboro, Umuomi – Idah road, Kabba township roads among others, construct zonal hospitals in Gegu-Beki, Eganyi, Idah, remodelled and equip the Prince Abubakar Audu teaching hospital Anyigba, established the popular Confluence State University of Science and Technology (CUSTECH) Osara among other mind boggling infrastructural development in the state. It is, however, worthy to note here that this unquantifiable infrastructural development across the state by His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello were made possible due to the excellent economic team the governor put in place of which Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala is a shinning member of the team.

When it is time to decide on the succession plan of the All Progressives Congress (APC) led administration in the state, it was therefore of no surprise that Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala was among the top list of His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello’s choice for the purchase of the APC intent form for the party’s upcoming primary election in the state.

Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala is a top notch member of the New Direction Administration of His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello in the last seven and half years. There is therefore no gain saying to state here and unequivocally too that Alhaji Okala has through the years of the GYB administration seen the nitty gritty of state administration and learnt immensely under the tutelage of his benefactor and mentor, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello the positive art of state leadership and governance.

To Kogi electorates and APC delegates for the governorship primary election, if there is an aspirant who has been greatly inducted and imparted on the art of state leadership by His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello it is Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala. He is a politician with the gamut of leadership experience and well prepared to lead Kogi State to greater heights of prosperity and massive infrastructural development in Kogi State.

As a philanthropist, Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala has placed many Kogi indigent students on schoolarship. He is humane and compassionate on the welfare of the masses. His house over the years is a Mecca on its own due to inflow of people who often visit for one help or the other on a daily basis.

A very devout Muslim, Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala has over the years conducted his official assignments with the fear of Allah. He is sure determined to build on the great legacies of his mentor and current Executive Governor of Kogi State, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello the white Lion.

Kogi State deserves experienced, decisive and quality leadership beyond 2023 and Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala is the politician ready and highly qualified to carry out the onerous task of taking the state to a better bright future.

To the APC delegates to the primary election, vote Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala for a prosperous Kogi state.
Alhaji Yakubu Yusuf Okala is the politician the cap fits.


– Emman Jasa Gwatana
Personal Aide to the Director General Okala 4 Governor, Hon. Ranyi Daniya.

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