2018 Lessons: You Are The Government of Your Life, Give It a Better Economy

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This was one of the most difficult year of my life but Allah sees us through it all to his own glory.

I had so many reasons to cry as I had many reasons to be happy.

I put in my best into projects that fails but it was never my fault. It was Allah’s way of teaching me to be a stronger person, a better person and a more faithful believer.

I put in little efforts into projects and I succeeded. It was a way of telling me that sometimes, it is not all about your efforts when it comes to God’s timing. He does his things without considerations.

I had disappointments from people I trusted and entrusted. They showed me a wider view of human being and how well to deal with them. Very few friends stood by me. The ones I have always called my friends in the rain and in the sun, in the night or in the day time, in the morning or in the afternoon time. They gave me stronger courage to continue to trust. Thanks guys for always being there.

I met many good people, many of them awesome people, beautiful, intelligent and amazing. I hope the friendship will continue in 2019 and beyond.

I discovered that Party Politics is the most useless, the most enslaving and the most dehumanising type of politics. 2018 was my year of freedom from the shackles of party politics.

I found out that, too many persons are angry out there, too many persons are traumatized, too many of them are psychologically deranged, too many of them are bitter and ready to pour their bitterness on you. 2018 was one  of the most bitter year of this country called Nigeria.

In 2018, I found out more that it is profitable to be in politics when you are economically independent than when you are not. I will advise again, go look for something doing while you make politics a second priority.

My 2019 Advise:

Work hard in 2019, be focused and committed to your legitimate  goal, seek help when need be and keep yourself out of trouble.

Never make yourself available to be killed because of politics. Election is just in two months of 2019, you have about 46 extra months to live before another election cycle. Don’t get yourself killed!

Never make yourself available as a killing machine. You have a better purpose in life and non of your family member will be happy seeing you as a political thug. Rethink and restructure your life!

There may be no jobs out there for you, but there are many businesses out there to keep body and soul together until you find something big. Get involved in one of this and stop blaming the government for everything.

You are the government of your life, give it a better economy.

Wishing you a prosperous 2019 as we enter in good health condition.

– Comrade Maji Isah

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