Opinion: APC Has Disappointed Nigerians

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We worked for the All Progressive Congress (APC) with one mind and expected improvement on what we inherited from the Jonathan administration but the situation today is worst.

APC, both at the state and federal levels, is full of lies and deceptions. They got the power and did not know what to do with it. Policies upon policies and none is working. I appreciate the level of improvements in the aspect of security, may God reward you for that but hunger and starvation are silent killers too.

The escalation of poverty in this era is another killing machines. People can no longer feed once a day and they can no longer afford hospital bills. Common 1k to buy drugs is no longer affordable. The reason is because the government was formed on suspicions, propaganda, lies, accusation and lifeless ideology. You said the last administration was bad, yes, we agree with you, but are you telling us you are not capable of fixing it? We knew the PDP government was bad and that was the reason we voted them out. You don’t need to be singing this everyday. Help us fix it is what we demanded and that was the reason we voted for you.

Suggested Solutions;

1. Revert the pump price back to 86 naira or less. Jonathan’s government was paying about 12 naira as subsidy and yet we were buying petrol for 86 naira but in this government, they told us they have removed subsidy yet they have paid as much as 28 naira subsidy and still paying something close to that, and yet they are selling petrol for 143 naira. This policy is purely and directly affecting the masses negatively. It has to be reversed. This has affected the prices of commodities and virtually all sectors of the economy.

2. Poor management of foreign exchange. The CBN is the most confused organization in recent times. Whatever you did to our naira to reduced its value to tissue paper must be reversed. You met it bad and yet the bad situation was more accommodative. Our traders can no longer go to market to buy products. Do something quickly to enhance the value of our naira.

Another factor that is killing our economy is the poor management of TSA. What is this? A policy should be developed for a proper management of the fund in such a way that it should have a revolving effect instead of keeping it in the CBN with no yield.

3. Poor management of Agricultural sector. These sector is not competitive  internationally. You asked us to go back to farm and we all went but you shot the door of importation even before we started planting. This was not sustainable at all. You got us hungry before our products got to the harvest levels and that is why the price of products have skyrocketed. We were buying foreign rice for 10k during Jonathan and 2 years of your go back to farm policies does not reduce the price of local rice. It is better you allow foreign rice in, in order to compete with our local rice so as to achieve a balance price.

4. Your economic policies have affected the local companies. Some of them have relocated to the neighboring countries and some have closed shops. This has resulted to the high unemployment rate in the country and avoidable youth restiveness. You promised to create 1m jobs yearly but what we are seeing today was  loosing 1m jobs yearly. Over 1m companies have been closed in less than 3 years years of this government. This was not what you promised us.

5. Power sector management has worsen. More monies were pushed into the sector without any affect on supply and distribution of power. Abuja and other part of the country are in total black out. Drive out at night in Abuja you will understand better of what I am talking about

6. The whistle blowing drama. This is laughable and ineffective. Whistle blowing and seizure of money can only be effective on indicted people. What you need to do is to put expert on various ministries and parastatals to look inward to determine what was stolen and who are responsible. By so doing, you will established how much was stolen. This will enable you to have an immediate claim of your recoveries and less times and money  to waste on legal matters.

6. Poor management of appointments. Instead of looking for the best hands, they are looking for who is not corrupt and the irony part of it was that, the majority of the heads of parastatals and ministries today were inherited from the government they are accusing of corruption. What kind of confusion is this?

7. There is no harmony amongst the government workers. The Assembly, the judiciary and legislatures are not in agreement with each other. War of wards and actions is predominantly invented in the system. The ministers are just hunters and lacks directions. They don’t know each other and they are very much skeptical of each other. How will you achieve result in such a tense and pretentious environment.

8. Poor government spending. They did not get it right at all. The poorest so far. For instance, there is no measure in place to check the excesses of the state governors as per how bailout funds and Paris refunds were spent. The government is just busy distributing money to state governors and mindless OF how they spend the monies.

9. Anti graft war is a futile efforts if immunity clause is not removed from our constitution. People who you claimed are corrupt shouldn’t be shield from investigation and prosecution.

10. The government is at a distance with its core party loyalist. People that really meant to change the country for good were neglected. Jobs were given to strangers who were not part of these struggle and incidentally the have succeeded in changing our slogan to chaining. This is because they were not part of the struggle. The manifestos was not drafted by them and they know nothing about it. This is just like a democratic coup where by those that got the victory and different from those occupying the victory.

11. The government is full of violating rule of law and has no regards for the constitution of the nation.

The second stage of the write up will soon follow. I have more than 1000 flaws of this administration.

We were part of this victory and that was not what we promise Nigerians. This is a total embarrasssment and disappointment. You have imprisoned us politically and got our mouth  sealed. We can no longer chant change in our various constituencies.

While praying for the speedy recovery of our president and also his quick return back to his duties, I plead for the acting president to quickly do something that will enhance the lives of the people of this country.

Thank you all.

May God bless Nigerians and Nigeria.

– Alhaji Abubakar Rajab

APC Chieftain.

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