Former Minister Backs Kogi Building Materials Exhibition

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…Hon. Odoma joins as promoter
An Architect and a Former Minister of Health, Chief Gabriel Aduku has called on the professionals in Kogi State to mobilize support for the BEBME Exhibitions.
BEBME Exhibitions will be hosting of her annual Kogi Built Environment and Building Materials Exhibitions in Lokoja.
Cheif Aduku, who is a Co-Chairman of the Advisory Board, said this as part of his discussions during the conveners roundtable.
According to a release by the Conveners, he used the opportunity to call on the Kogi state government to support the event which he said is capable of increasing the internally generated revenue of the state and also contribute to its economic rejuvenation.
The secretariat of the event have also announced that the 2017 edition of the event which is third in its series will dwell on the use of indigenous construction materials and the present economic recession.
The 3rd Kogi Building Environment and Building Materials Exhibitions is scheduled to hold between 17th – 20th of October, 2017 in Lokoja, Kogi State with theme; Indigenous Building Materials: An alternative Approach to Housing Shortage in a Recessed Economy.
The event is a sure gathering of tradesmen and professionals in the building environments, manufacturers and suppliers of building materials and government and private practitioners and policy makers.
Also according to the press release, Hon. Ibrahim Odoma has been named the Promoter of the event.
In a letter to Hon. Odoma, he is expected to galvanise contacts to ensure the success of event. The letter was also quoted as saying “ you were selected from very experienced pool of nominees based on your previous contributions to the real estates development in Kogi State”.
Hon. Ibrahim Odoma was recently appointed as the Senior Special Assistant to the Kogi state Governor on Housing and Estates.

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