Youth Remains The Engine Room in Contemporary Politics; A Case Study of 4th Republic

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In our contemporary politics the youth constitutes the major factor and decider of power. They constitute the major components of politics. Youth  and politics are synonymous. In the modern age period, the youth stand as the pillar and strength in politics. Talking about hard core decisions and actions in politics it is the youth that usually do the dirty work in the political arena.

It is only an ignoramus being that will belittle or underestimate the efficiency and prolific nature of the youth. Most of the early age politicians  understand how politics works with the youth. And that’s why most of them places more priority on them.Undermining the ability of youth in politics is suicidal and detrimental to the ambition of any candidate.

Youth participation in politics overt partisanship discardment. The youth which Constitutes 70% of electorates have a much better say in who becomes the next man. They are the  deciding factor for any Political office whether big or small.

Most of the contemporary leaders who applied this concept of engaging the youth in political participation are more or less guided by public and youth trust. A leader who understands this thematic influence of youth involvement in governance will always succeed in the political arena.

Many leaders are still contemptible with youth involvement in political terrain. They’re being  scornful, and galloping the youth to political downstream. Involvement of youth is most practicable in the developing countries. Going by a short antithesis of youth leadership in France versus the African leaders. The huge difference comes in with the sharp emblematic symbol of governance demonstrated by youth leaders.

Youthful leadership comes in contact with tenacity, verbosity, viscosity  persistency, cohesiveness and inclusiveness. Marginalization is not a kingpin in the political youth system. In the contemporary politics Youths are the arch makers and master planners of all. The youth are more dexterous than the old folks in politics.

As we edge close to Kogi State gubernatorial elections I urge all the aspirants to engage the youth positively in the scheme of things. And also want to appeal to all the aspirants to practically engage the youth into corridors of power just as it’s demonstrated by the incumbent.

Youth participation in Politics is Golden and precious even in the eyes  of God. Setting a joinder and rejoinder of youthful system that envelopes the obscurity of imbalance governance. The State will feel the emergence of youth involvement in politics.

– Samuel Eta Obadiah, a political philosopher and commentator, writes from Kogi State University, Anyigba.

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