Workers’ Day Message: Okene LG Administrator Salutes Workers’ Perseverance

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On behalf of the New Direction Government, people and residents of Okene, we convey our broomsticks of support, solidarity, fraternity, and empathy to all the spirited workers of the world on the commemoration of Int’l May Day today which had been a day set aside to felicitates the invaluable contributions of human labor in the growth of human race, development of world and sustainability of these growth and developments.
Human being had been endowed with energy to manipulate natural laws and recreate the world for his comfort and enjoyment. Since antiquity humans usually cooperate to do things together, contributes energy and ideas, this contributions borne a synergy that translates into human growth and global development.
At this, the human resource who had often united themselves into various professions and specializations for betterment of the human race and global societies cannot be ever overemphasized. Their dynamics of continuous improvement in service delivery is ever amazing and their unison in different specialties and their synergy for work-together cooperation is sacrosanct for celebration.
For this as a representative of a grassroot government and the holder of the local people’s mandates and trust we empathize with Nigerian workers, especially Civil servants in Okene, for their patience, perseverance, endurance and unrelenting spiritedness and vigor to work for full recovery and rejuvenation of our national economy. Last year was our recovery year and this year hopefully our year of economic rebounce, at that I declared this workers’ day a commemoration of our perseverance, renewed vigor and economic rebirth.
Once again on behalf of Okene Local Government, the people and residents of his Imperial Majesty’s ancient city of Okene we extend our heartfelt felicity and earnest congratulations to all the workers of the world on today workers’ day commemoration.
Happy endurance, happy patience, happy perseverance, happy hard work, happy spiritedness, happy workers’ day, happy May day!
Honourable Abdulrazaq Yusuf Muhammad
Okene Local Government Area

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