When Death is Shameless: An Ode for Chief Shola Adedoyin

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Oh death, Now I know, that you are wicked and have no iota of shame in your pouch.

Death where is your pride?
when you wag your crooked fist against the calm and unassuming.

Death where is your nobility?
when you stole your way to a gentle man on the highway, when visibility was low.

What is your gain o’ death, when you wrapped your rough tail around the humble amidst us.

O’ death, you have not won and you can never win.

That our amiable chief did not struggle with you, is down to his piety

That our beloved Olorunshola did not curve his fist against you is down to his gentility.

That the noble son of Adedoyin did not argue with you is down to his humility.

Mind you o’ death!
You killed our Shola, but his sacrifices for our community remain evergreen in our mind.

You killed him, but his courageous voice continues its echo and reverberation.

You killed him, but his humble disposition cannot die in our mind.

You killed him, but his political sagacity will get refreshed in our mind every now and then.

Chief Shola Adedoyin, the PDP family in Kogi State, in Okun land, in Ijumu and ala’s Ekinrin-Adde will never forget you.

Chief Shola Adedoyin, I will never forget the heart-to- heart discussion I had with you, in your living room, few days to the gubernatorial election.

All through our talk, in the presence of our ward party chairman, who is your cousin, you always attached the prefix (Mr) to my name, despite our age difference in your favour.
You did this to everyone irrespective of age or gender. It is the trademark of your humility.

At the end of our talk you made a complementary remark about me thus:

“Mr Stanley, you look so fresh, and about 15 years younger than your real age.”

I jokingly responded, ” Chief I have only one wife, and I am lucky, she sells sheer Butter cream'”
We both laughed because, it made meaning to both of us
Today I no more can laugh for heaviness of heart..
My tears have refused to stop.
PDP family have refused to be consoled.

Remember o chief, your destiny has not been truncated and your labour can never be in vein. They are preserved as inheritance for your seeds.

Adieu my political Leader.

– Pastor Stanley Ajileye

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