We Weep for Kogi – Abdullahi Abdulkadir

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I weep for Kogi

For the horror faced in recent times that has stolen the joy from peoples’ face

For the endless screening exercise that have caused numerous death and vile

For the ravaging menace and starvation in the land caused by greedy tyrants

For its leader blinded by arrogance whose iniquity takes away our happiness

For the man-made famine and impoverishment they have created

For the development only seen online but never in existence

For the failed promises and hapless condition of the state.

The leaders we idolized and hoped on were mass murderers

Whom we gave out our leaflets and support but instead, they gave us hell

The wind of change that came was a wind from hell that drove people to their early grave and left us with anguish

What better punishment to know that their history would only be remembered by enemies with utmost contempt

For the horror they have created and the curses sent from all corners.

Alas, their humiliation and exit is near

Since it’s the people in this state of destitution that would choose who leads them,

I would weep no more

For 2019 is not at the end of the world.

– Abdullahi Abdulkadir

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