Wada, Awoniyi Extol Shagari for Strides in Building Ajaokuta Steel Complex

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By John Akubo.

The death of late first democratically elected Nigerian President, Alhaji Shehu Shagari has brought to the fore the wasted resources at Ajaokuta Steel complex which he conceived and almost completed before his government was toppled by Military coup.

Speaking on the visionary disposition of late Shagari the immediate past Governor of Kogi State, Captain Idris Wada said Shagari’s leadership was aimed at making Nigeria one.

According to him, “he was a great leader for being able to conceive and bring to about 98% completion a project like Ajaokuta Steel which can lead Nigeria out of poverty, create a lot of employment, to give us a background to become a modern industrialised nation.

“It is necessary now as we mourn him, that those in authority today give priority to Ajaokuta steel for its completion as a legacy of the late former civilian president.

“The present leaders should do everything they can to actualize the Ajaokuta steel complex so that it will remain an indelible legacy of a visionaty, straightfirward, committed leader who had the plans to turn Nigeria into a modern industrialised nation.”

Wada stated that Shagari had good plans for the country but unfortunately his government was interrupted by a military coup.

“He would have led Nigeria in to a very modern democracy because as a selfless leader he put the country first in everything he did.

“The progress of Nigeria was foremost on his mind. We will miss him, his death is shocking, he was everybody’s president, there was no issue of opposition or ruling party he was everybody’s president.

“He regarded every Nigerian as equal citizens. I hope our present crop of leaders would copy from him the good virtues and emulate his selflessness to be like him to work for peace and unity of Nigeria for steady progress.”

He said the current sharp division between the ruling party and the opposition is not healthy and is not good for the progress of a developing nation like Nigeria.

“Shagari was a president that was committed to Nigerian technological breakthrough hence he mobilised all available resources to put up all the integrated complex up to 98% completion but yet it had remained moribund.

“He was a visionary leader that had the love of the country. He had the plan to turn Nigeria into a giant nation before the coup that threw him out.”

His former deputy, Architect Yomi Awoniyi said Shagari’s passing away is a big blow but gave thanks to God that he died at the ripe age of 93 having at least seen his children and his great grand children.

He said his legacy is highly established in Nigeria in the annals of the nations history from his time as a commissioner of finance right through to becoming the President of the country.

“He was a man of destiny. All he wanted to be was a senator but God delegated him and made him a President.

“People tend to say only say good things about the dead but I remember when his government was toppled, a lot of the major actors in today’s politics kept saying negative things about him.

“If we are all remorseful for the bad things we said and they are now seeing his good sides may God grant him eternal rest while he should open our eyes to do critical assessment as at when due and not just malign people for political exigency.”

The Ajaokuta steel complex had become a tool for politicking but when they win election they hardly remember it and yet it is a window which if completed can lead Nigeria out of poverty and squalor but it has remained something for lipservice.

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