Usman Tasks APC Leadership on Kogi Guber Poll

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A governorship aspirant in Kogi State, Col. Ahmed Usman (retd), has called on the leadership of the ruling All Progressives Congress to adopt direct approach in selecting its standard bearer for the November gubernatorial election in the state.

In a statement he personally signed and made available to newsmen in Lokoja, Col. Usman opined that conducting indirect primaries to select the party’s candidate ahead of the governorship poll would not augur well for the party.

He pointed out that the decision of the party hierarchy to conduct indirect primary was capable of putting the party in disarray, and stressed the need for the reversal of the decision, in the overall interest of justice and fairness.

According to the retired military officer, adopting indirect method of selecting candidate for the party amounts to declaring the incumbent governor as the standard bearer, which is completely unwise and unfair.

He wondered why the party would take such unpopular decision when the incumbent has not done well during the three and half years he has been on the saddle, insisting that Kogi State under the present administration  has been in doldrums.

The aspirant further expressed confidence that the wish of the people of the state, who have been at the receiving end would prevail, maintaining that they were poised to restore the lost glory of the state using the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

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