Unlawful Arrests By The Nigerian Police in Okene Must Stop

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Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings no matter the nationality, place of residence, state, sex, ethnic origin, colour, religion, language or any other status.

We are all equally entitled to our fundamental human rights without discrimination in Kogi State.

In order to promote human rights in Nigeria, the Nigeria Bar Association- Human Rights Institute (NBA-HRI) was established.

So human rights are not  rights to a particular set of people or state and it should be respected by security officials.

Recently, some set of gun men attacked two policemen posted to First Bank in Okene Kogi state and gunned down two of them and went away with their arms. A highly condemned criminal act that need thorough investigation to apprehend the criminals. We the youths and the elders of the state condemned this act and we are willing to provide any useful information (if any) to hasten the arrest the culprits.

But haven  said this, what the NPF did to the people of Okene in Kogi state in the course of this ugly situation demands us to speak because it is an abuse of human rights in highest order.

I am a graduate of criminology and security studying, and also a student of Chartered Institution of Public Management of Nigeria, which required me to do a research and dig deep on Human Rights. So I got to understand that Human Rights has been violated by security agencies.

The rights of the people of Okene have been violated by the NPF and I say today that, Enough is Enough of this inhuman and unlawful arrests of innocent citizens in the state.

There is no crime free state /community but we must respect Human Rights when handling criminal cases as security agents.

You can’t relate to a superhero, to a superman, but you can identify with a real man who in times of crisis draws forth some extraordinary quality from within himself and triumphs but only after a struggle.
Timothy Dalton

I speak on this matter today because the men who were supposed to speak remained silent. They are leaders of themselves by themselves and for themselves. Their children are not part of us so they tend not to feel the heat and the pain we are feeling.

The king, Tarus, Ohis, politicians, pastors and imams remained silent because it does not touch their families.

When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.
John F. Kennedy

Our people do not see the danger of been silent in the face of crisis rather see the opportunity.
Where are our human Rights activists in the state?

Where are our lawyers, legal practitioners? What happen to our intelligent men and women in the society?
Who stole your voice?
Are we so poor that no brave man can rise up to ask question(s) on our behalf?
HRH, Alhaji Ado Ibrahim The Ohinoyi Of Ebiraland why the silence sir?

If all our days in studying and reading in school is to acquire degree in silence it is a shame

If all our days in politics is to make money for ourselves and remain silent when we need to speak and act it is a shame. Remember, “people don’t care about what you know until they know how much you care and how many lives you’ve touched.”

Our community is dying.

Our youths are being introduced to criminal activities, e.g Kidnapping, armed Robbery, assassinations etc.

Our girls are now into professional sex.

The rate at which criminal activities increase in the land is alarming and our elders and politicians remain silent.

Why will the policemen not take advantage of us when we lack men/women that can fight for our rights.

The truth of the matter is that, we have seen and known those who truly love Ebira and Anebira. When you face crisis only then will you know who your true friends are.

We Know Our Leaders my Friend!

We agree that government can’t solve the security crisis alone. It’s an ongoing issue that will require the collaborative efforts of all, cutting across private and public sectors, the King, Tarus, Ohis and religious leaders, if we want to see some long-term successes and a peaceful community in Ebiraland.

A land where Human rights are not respected does not yield her divine potential because the land will be cursed.

The level of Human rights education among the citizens and law enforcement agencies in the state and the system of legal frame work allow the human right violators to get away with such practice.

Stop harassing my people.

Stop taking bribe from them before granting them bail for Bail is free.

Why humiliating and torturing the innocent on a crime they know nothing about?

I hereby use this opportunity to call on all  citizens to shun crime, reject every idea or counsel to engage in crime.

No crime No torture.

No crime No arrest.

Let’s live our name Ebira which means “Character”.

I want our elders to know this;

“If a father refuse to train up his children in the fear of the Lord and the way they should go, when the children grow up they will bring shame and reproach to their parents as a reward of been a failed father”

While men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.
Matthew 13:25-30 (NKJV)

Our fathers have slept on duty

Our mothers slept on duty and am calling you parents to wake up! Wake up!! Wake up!!!

“It is better to remain single and die as a single than to bring forth children without giving them educational and moral training”.

We trust God that someday we will have men/women who are willing to fight for our deliverance because right now what I am seeing are men/ women of ambition and self fulfilment. The security of the people is not their priority.

If you are ready to join me in this course drop you message while we brainstorm on how to go about it. We are in a season where the voiceless suddenly become the voice of the people  because their leader(s) lost their voice to silence.

Our state is in crisis.

Our people are hurting.

Our people are suffering and now is the time we all must resist the traditional, selfish call to protect your own turf at the cost of our state. It is time to leave the corner, it is time to leave the comfort zone, to join the sacrifice, come to the center of the room and be part of the solution.

Do you believe in the destiny of this people called Ebira?

Are you a lawyer, or legal practitioner security officers,retired or still in service, business man, politician, great thinker regardless of your gender, age, statues and ready for selfless service for your fatherland.

whatsapp me on this line 08035187340.

Call. 08098381365


Ebira Voice Must Be Heard In All Nation In My Life Time. If they can’t help us we can help ourselves. Come let’s fight for ourselves, come let’s make a difference in the midst of silence. Come let’s build an institution that will fight for our course.

Until someone is ready to take responsibility, people will continue to take advantage of us as a people.

Enough Is Enough of this harassment in my home.


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