Unemployment: A Call on Okun Leaders to Salvage Land From Poverty

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It is no gainsaying that Okunland is blessed with beautiful brains and the talents which makes us a unique tribe in Kogi State. Okunland  today is blessed with over three hundreds (300) professors, large number of artisans, entertainers, and other successful people from various walks of life.
Our concern as members of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF OKUN STUDENTS (NAOS) is a look to the present development in our dear land. Our past success and achievements should be a drive to an impressive development. In Okunland today, reverse is the case, instead of past successes to speed up the rate of  development, what we see and experience is unemployment.
This unemployment rate has led to political thuggery and other social vices in Okun Nation. An idle hand they say is the devil’s workshop, reason why most of our youths turn to street urchins, political thugs after school.
The number of unemployed graduates in Okunland keeps increasing yearly, many retired back to their parents’ house after about five years educational stress eating free meal and our leaders pretend as if the situation is normal.
How long shall our graduates look on to their parents for livelihood?  How long shall they continue to feed on crumbs when they have fulfilled their responsibility of being educated?
This is a call to Okun Leaders to wage war to the issue of unemployment that has ravaged our land.
We implore the privileged among them to create rooms for employment, the business tycoons should establish business in Okunland, this will reduce the number of unemployment’s on our streets, the political influential among them should use their influence and connection with the government to secure employments for our graduates, empowerment of farmers should not be overlooked because without farm products, the whole nation will go hungry.
The artisans need to be empowered on their jobs, enabling environment should be created for their business, and the political class should organise a soft loans and credits that will be easily repayable.
The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF OKUN STUDENTS (NAOS) implore our leaders to salvage our land from poverty, create jobs to alleviate unemployment and poverty, empower the youths so that they will be useful to the society.
Employment and empowerment will make them less dependent and they will be able to give back to the society.
We have numerous first class, masters and bachelor holders in the field of technology, computer sciences, agriculture, business administration and other courses who are willing to innovate in the field of their knowledge in Okunland these characters of people with such intellectual property should be empowered, nurtured and encouraged.
If graduates, artisans, farmers and petty traders are empowered and encouraged in Okunland, we will become a nation to reckon with and this can only be done with our collective struggle toward the resuscitation of our land.
Sir and Ma, we implore you to use your influence to change the tide, make Okunland a better place for you, me and the upcoming generations.
Your quotas will pay a pivotal roles at ensuring that the glory of Okunland is revived.
Empower someone today.
– Comrade Ajagun Opeyemi Samuel (Okun Boy)

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