Troops Arrest 20 Suspects as Three Expatriates Kidnapped in Kogi Regain Freedom

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By Stephen Adeleye.
The combined forces of the Nigerian Army and other security agencies have arrested 20 suspected notorious criminals that have been terrorising the people of Kogi.
Brig-Gen. John Agim, the Acting Director Defence Information (DDI), made this known on Saturday in Lokoja, while briefing newsmen  on the activities of the Clearance Operation which was launched on Oct.  8, to combat criminal activities across the country.
Agim said the forces also recovered some illegal arms and ammunition across the state.
“The recovered arms included: seven locally fabricated guns, one AK47 Rifle, two Magazines, 45 Rounds of Assorted ammunition.
“During the period under review, 20 notorious criminals were arrested, which included Mr Eleme Salihu, the kidnapper kingpin at Itobe in Ofu LGA of Kogi.
“The troops also foiled several kidnapping attempts and intensified continuous confidence building through patrols, show of force, blocking operations, as well as cordon and search.
“This strategy has yielded positive results with arrest-of high profile suspects and recovering of weapons.
“There are eight-operation sectors within the operation and each sector covers two to three local government areas and each sector has established Sector Headquarters and two sub- sectors for administrative expediency.
“For effective coordination of this exercise, all sectors were collapsed and a Battalion established in each of the senatorial zones, while a Brigade HQs is located at Central zone which oversees the Battalions.
“91 Brigade located at Irepene. 911 Battalion at Odo Ape and 912 Battalion at Oku Obayin, while 913 Battalion is at Bassa,” Agim said.
He said that the relative peace and security being witnessed was made possible through joint operations and synergy of efforts by the security agencies and cooperative posture of the State Government, locals and other well meaning citizens.
“Through the renewed vigor and determination of the troops in this special operation, relative peace have been restored, troops dominating the environment, creating safe and conducive atmosphere for socio economic activities to thrive,” he added.
Agim, therefore, reassured the general public of their determination to protect the lives and property of law abiding citizens.
He enjoined the public to be security conscious and desist from any act that could breach peace and security, while commending the media for their cooperation and support.
He urged people to always give timely information to security agencies for prompt action, adding, “Our troops will continue to be professional in the discharge of their duties”.
In his remarks, Capt. Nick Ejeh, the Intelligence Officer, Headquarters, Army Records, told newsmen that the three kidnapped expatriates of a Construction Company at Itakpe on the Okene-Lokoja road, had been freed.
Ejeh said that they regained their freedom at about 8. 35 p.m. on Thursday Nov. 22. (NAN)

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